Sparks City Council Meeting 2/25/2013
Monday, February 25, 2013 2:00 PM
Sparks Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
Invocation Speaker: Pastor Barb West
Sparks Church of the Nazarene- Pledge of Allegiance
- Comments from the Public
- Approval of the Agenda – Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists
3. Recommendation to Approve Minutes of
4. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest
- 4.1 Proclamation "Passport Day, Focusing on Family Travel"
- 4.2 Presentation on the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan Update from the Regional Transportation Commission.
- 4.3 Presentation by VizKinect, Inc. - "New Companies - New Jobs: Hear from new businesses that are making this happen." (Presenters - Bailey Hein, Ellen Nesbitt, Norman Smith and Ky Good.)
5. Consent Items
- 5.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period January 24, 2013 through February 6, 2013. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 5.2 Consideration and possible approval of a complement change in the Police Department of one Police Officer to a Police Sergeant. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 5.3 Consideration and possible approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Reno for 2013 Sewer Rehabilitation – Phase II, for an amount not to exceed $446,512. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
6. General Business
- 6.1 Review and possible approval of a Lease Agreement with the Reno Rodeo Foundation for the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena located in Horseman’s Park at 2200 Loop Road. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 6.2 Consideration and possible ratification of Resolution No. 3230 declaring Termination of a Local Emergency, effective 12:00 P.M. on Tuesday, December 4, 2012. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 6.3 Presentation, consideration and possible approval of expenditures for the City declared Flood Emergency from November 29 – December 3, 2012. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 6.4 Consideration and possible acceptance of overtime reimbursement funds from the United States Marshal's Service in the amount of $17,200.00. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 6.5 Presentation, discussion, and possible action to discuss the city’s desire to maintain its individuality; being responsible for the municipal services and governance of the City of Sparks; and, how the city’s desires for non-consolidated services relate to a discussion of participation in the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners convening a Blue Ribbon Committee for the Review and Analysis of Fire Services in the Region. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 6.6 Consideration and possible approval of Settlement of: Randolph v. City of Sparks. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
7. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning
- None
8. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items
- 8.1 Public Hearing, Second Reading, discussion and possible approval of Bill No. 2653 to adopt Ordinance 2472 canceling the 2004 Development Agreement (Kiley Ranch North Project) between the City of Sparks and Kiley Ranch Communities and other matters properly relating thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 8.2 Public Hearing, Second Reading, discussion and possible approval of Bill No. 2654 to adopt Ordinance 2473 to approve a Development Agreement between the City of Sparks and KM2 Development, Inc. (as “Master Developer”) and Rising Tides LLC (as “Owner”) for a portion of the Kiley Ranch North Project and other matters properly relating thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
9. Closed Door Sessions
- None
- 10.1 Comments from the Public
- 10.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager
11. Adjournment
- None