Sparks City Council Meeting 2/25/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 25, 2013 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.5
Title: Presentation, discussion, and possible action to discuss the city’s desire to maintain its individuality; being responsible for the municipal services and governance of the City of Sparks; and, how the city’s desires for non-consolidated services relate to a discussion of participation in the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners convening a Blue Ribbon Committee for the Review and Analysis of Fire Services in the Region.
Petitioner/Presenter: Shaun D. Carey, City Manager/Stephen W. Driscoll, Assistant City Manager
Recommendation: The Sparks City Council to discuss the city’s desire to maintain its individuality and to be responsible for the municipal services and governance of the City of Sparks (Resolution No. 2776, dated January 28, 2002); and, to discuss the level of city participation, if any, related to the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners convening a Blue Ribbon Committee for the Review and Analysis of Fire Services in the Region.
Financial Impact: Unknown
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required. This is a rule but does not impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business, or directly restrict the formation, operation or exemption of a business.
A Business Impact Statement is not required. This is a rule but does not impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business, or directly restrict the formation, operation or exemption of a business.
Agenda Item Brief: On January 28, 2002, the Sparks City Council unanimously approved “Resolution No. 2776 – Introduced by Council a Resolution on Regional Government Consolidation” (see Attachment 1.). The Resolution defines the Council’s desire to maintain the city’s individuality, identity, and community quality of life.
The Resolution further states the Council is duty bound to represent the best interests of the citizens; to perpetually improve the current form of Sparks government; to seek proven efficiencies in city services; and to provide fiscal constraint and regional equity.
To accomplish the above Council goals, the Resolution states the Council will participate in regional discussions designed to improve the quality and fiscal efficiencies for city services; to seek regional fiscal equity; and to not participate in any regional consolidation efforts which would change the form of government for the city.
Background: The Truckee Meadows encompasses three local governments, several quasi-governmental entities, and regional service providers. The region has experienced periods of growth and recession from the turn of the century to present. The discussion of regional consolidation of municipal services emerges regularly. The City of Sparks, incorporated on March 5, 1905, has enjoyed its individuality, identity, and community quality of life since. The region current has engaged in over 60 services via some form of shared, merged, or consolidated service providing the citizens of the two cities and the unincorporated county with the most effective, efficient service levels. The latest regional discussions have included a least two attempts to discuss the consolidation major services between the cities of Sparks and Reno and Washoe County. While the discussions have lead to a few new combinations for service delivery, the Sparks City Council publically stated its position on further consolidation talks via COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2776 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL A RESOLUTION ON REGIONAL GOVERNMENT CONSOLIDATION (see Attachment 1.). The Resolution defines the Council’s desire to maintain the city’s individuality, identity, and community quality of life. The Resolution further states the Council is duty bound to represent the best interests of the citizens; to perpetually improve the current form of Sparks government; to seek proven efficiencies in city services; and to provide fiscal constraint and regional equity. The City Council commissioned the City Manager to develop a position paper on the city’s perspective on regional consolidation efforts. On November 10, 2008, the city published “The City of Sparks’ Perspective on Consolidation” (see Attachment 2.). The conclusion of this document states: Sparks has been a changing community especially in recent years. Rapid growth and significant changes in our land use mix have occurred with specific standards and services expected by our constituency. This has also resulted in consistent opposition to consolidation by our constituency and City Council. Economies of scale have been attained regionally with capital expenditures in many areas. Substantial research indicates diseconomies of scale in the provision of municipal services in a region of our size. Distinctions between the cities and the unincorporated communities are clear. Consolidation of services appears not to be the answer to cost savings needed for local government. Shared services, regional capital facilities, mutual aid and other regional entities in existence are the best approaches. The City of Sparks would be well served following the conclusion of the City of Las Vegas in their September 8, 2008, Consolidation Study Synopsis (Appendix M): “Consolidation is not a common occurrence and results in more failed attempts than successful efforts. Costs associated with implementation of reorganizations often create financial burdens that were not anticipated. Entrenched bureaucracies also cause a hindrance to the consolidation process. Political and executive management are often constrained by the contractual or moral obligations of concessions for pay and benefits to existing employees. This negates the overall goal of financial efficiencies...Time and energy is best spent implementing less intensive and more easily achievable forms of local government and collaboration through formal and less formal agreements.” Sparks’ position paper has been shared with the regional local government elected officials of the region and the full membership of the 2009 Nevada Legislature. In June 2010 under the direction of the City Manager, the Sparks Fire Department researched and compiled a report on the potential operating cost differences of running under the Sparks collective bargaining agreement versus the Reno collective bargaining agreement (see Attachment 3.). This analysis was meant to show the operating cost difference in providing the same level of fire services to the Sparks citizens under the labor obligations for the other major regional fire service in the Truckee Meadows.
Analysis: The discussion of consolidated services continues to be posed by various agencies and governmental units in the Truckee Meadows. Most currently, the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) has directed their staff to define and prepare a process for convening a “Blue Ribbon Committee for Review and Analysis of Fire Services in the Region.” Washoe County staff has prepared a “Staff Report Draft” for the BCC meeting scheduled for February 26, 2013 (see Attachment 4.). The staff report includes an overall project concept in a staff document titled “Attachment One -- Blue Ribbon Committee for Review and Analysis of Fire Services in the Region (see Attachment 5.). The question before the Sparks City Council -- Is any city participation on the proposed BCC Blue Ribbon Committee is consistent with Resolution No. 2776: • If no, how does the Council want to advise the BCC of non-participation in the Committee? • If yes, how much and what resources is the Council willing to commit to the participation in the Committee?
Alternatives: • The Council could choose to not participate in the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners Blue Ribbon Committee for Review and Analysis of Fire Services in the Region and to direct how the message will be forwarded. • The Council could choose to participate in the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners Blue Ribbon Committee for Review and Analysis of Fire Services in the Region and to direct the level of city resources will be committed to the city’s participation.
Recommended Motion: The recommendation will be determined by the discussion and decision of the Council whether to participate on the Blue Ribbon Committee.
Attached Files: