Sparks City Council Meeting 2/25/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 25, 2013 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.2
Title: Consideration and possible approval of a complement change in the Police Department of one Police Officer to a Police Sergeant.
Petitioner/Presenter: Stephen Driscoll, CGFM, MBA, Assistant City Manager/Chris Syverson, Employee and Customer Relations Manager/Steve Keefer, Police Chief/Steve Keefer, Police Chief
Recommendation: Recommend approval to maintain vital services critical to City of Sparks operations.
Financial Impact: $7,484 to the General Fund
Total Costs: $7,484.00

Fund: General Fund Account: 601010 Program: Patrol - Uniformed Patrol (091344) Amount: $7,484.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: The Police Department is seeking possible approval of a complement change in the Police Department of on Police Officer to a Police Sergeant. The Police Department current has 12 Sergeant Positions that are assigned to their various divisions within the department. The Department is seeking to increase the number Sergeants to increase the coverage in the Patrol Division.
Background: The Police Department currently is authorized 12 sergeant positions. Nine sergeants are assigned to the Patrol Division, seven in the Patrol Section, one in the Traffic Section,one assigned to Training/Regional Sex Offender Notification Unit, and three sergeants are assigned to the Detective Division. Currently, there are 88 police officers split between the Patrol Division and Detective Division. The Patrol Section is currently authorized 62 officers with two officers assigned to the Regional Gang Unit. The Section has three lieutenants assigned as watch commanders to cover the 24/7 operations of the department. The seven sergeants are first line supervisors that direct critical incidents, answer questions from officers, manage calls for service, supervise officers as well as complete administrative tasks. Based on the number of sergeants available, the sergeants are split between the two sets of teams that either work Tues-Fri or Sat-Mon. At this time, four sergeants are assigned Tues-Fri, and three sergeants are assigned to work Sat-Mon. Based on the number of patrol officers assigned to the Sat-Mon shifts, the supervisors have a one to ten ratio of officers per sergeant. Due to the nature of calls for service and types of crime, the sergeants are unable to respond to all the calls that may require their attention resulting in them supervising by phone or over the portable radio. When a sergeant is absent due to leave, such as annual, personal or sick, the lieutenant is required to fill the role of the sergeant and unable to function in their designed role.
Analysis: In July of 2012, the police department was able to fill three vacancies that had been open for an extended period of time. The police department would like to upgrade one of the officer positions to the rank of sergeant. This is based on the need for additional supervision in the Patrol Section of the Patrol Division. Of the three officers that were hired in July of 2012, one is currently passed all training and is assigned to patrol. The other two have successfully passed the academy and are in field training. Once complete with field training, the Police Department would develop a sergeant promotional exam and promote the additional sergeant. This would leave the two additional hires within the Patrol Section as officers. By changing the complement and adding the additional sergeant, the ratio of officers per supervisor will be lowered, allowing greater supervision and availability to officers to assist and manage calls for service. In addition, when leave time is utilized, the additional sergeant will keep the lieutenant functioning as the watch commander. If the City Council were to approve this complement change, the new complement would consist of 13 sergeants and 87 police officers between the Patrol and Detective Divisions.
Alternatives: 1. The City Council may approve the item as recommended. 2. The City Council may reject the recommendation of staff. 3. The City Council may choose not to approve the staffing changes, but direct the City Manager further.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the complement change in the Police Department as recommended.