Sparks City Council Meeting 2/25/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 25, 2013 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.1
Title: Review and possible approval of a Lease Agreement with the Reno Rodeo Foundation for the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena located in Horseman’s Park at 2200 Loop Road.
Petitioner/Presenter: Tracy Domingues, Parks & Recreation Director/Tracy Domingues, Parks and Recreation Director
Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Lease Agreement with the Reno Rodeo Foundation for the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena located in Horseman’s Park at 2200 Loop Road.
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: The Reno Rodeo Foundation is interested in entering into a lease agreement with the City of Sparks for the maintenance and programming of the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena in Horseman’s Park at 2200 Loop Road.
Background: According to a staff report dated June 14, 1993 submitted by Les Hicks, Jr., Parks and Recreation Director, “The City of Sparks acquired the 40 acre parcel in 1927 from the Federal Government. The deed, signed by Calvin Coolidge, states that the city can use the land for a city dump or municipal purposes. In the 1970’s, the City of Sparks started transforming the old dump site into a professional rodeo area, with holding chutes, grandstands, announcer’s booth and parking lot. The site presently (1993) consists of 3 different levels which were primarily used for parking and storage of trees and limbs removed by the Parks and Recreation Department.” On July 28, 1980, the City of Sparks awarded a bid to Ferretto Construction Company to construct the road to Joe Gandolfo Arena at Horseman’s Park in the amount of $80,254.04. This road was and continues to be the access road to Horseman’s Park and the paving and maintenance is the city’s responsibility. On May 24, 1982, the City Council passed and adopted a grant offered by the Reno/Sparks Convention Authority in the amount of $64,840.00 to defray the cost of improvements to be installed at the Gandolfo Arena in Horseman’s Park. On 6/14/1993, a lease agreement was proposed by Les Hicks and approved by City Council by and between Sierra Nevada Junior Rodeo, Inc. The lease was valid for a term of two (2) years beginning 6/14/1993 and ending on 6/14/1995, with the option to renew for an additional two (2) year term. A letter dated 6/17/1997 to Mr. Gandolfo from the City Clerk stated “The City of Sparks wishes to extend the existing Lease Agreement for the ‘Gandolfo Arena’, from June 14, 1997, until a new lease agreement is approved by the City Council at a future Council Meeting. This probably will be sometime in July, 1997.” Mr. Gandolfo signed this letter in agreement on 6/19/97. There is no record of this lease being presented or approved by City Council in July, 1997 or later. Therefore, it is the opinion of the Assistant City Attorney that the lease is null and void. On November 25, 2012, Sparks City Council approved staff to enter into lease negotiations with the Reno Rodeo Association (RRA). During negotiations it was decided that the Reno Rodeo Foundation (RRF) would be better suited as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization to enter into the proposed Lease Agreement.
Analysis: Since 1997, the City of Sparks Parks and Recreation Department has managed the use and maintenance of the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena. Activity was more closely monitored during the summers of 2011 and 2012. Staff has determined that the city no longer has the expertise or resources to continue the maintenance and/or programming of this special use facility. In the best interest of efficiency and promotion of the Gandolfo Arena, staff has prepared the attached Lease Agreement with the Reno Rodeo Foundation (RRF). The RRF’s non-profit stated purpose is to enhance and enrich the lives of children and families in northern Nevada and to cultivate, foster and promote interest and participation in rodeo activities, entertainment, the proper care and management of domestic animals and western heritage experiences; and to provide and promote competitions, exhibitions, shows and entertainment of any and all descriptions for the general enjoyment and instruction of its members and the public. City staff believes that the RRF’s goals are compatible with those of the City and that the RRF would best provide the appropriate management, maintenance and programming of the Gandolfo Arena while enhancing the quality of life in Sparks.
Alternatives: • Council may direct staff to continue maintaining and programming the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena. • Council may accept the proposed lease agreement with the Reno Rodeo Foundation for the maintenance and programming of the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the proposed Lease Agreement with the Reno Rodeo Foundation as outlined by staff.
Attached Files: