Sparks City Council Meeting 6/8/2015
Monday, June 8, 2015 2:00 PM
Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Opening Ceremonies
3.1 Invocation Speaker: Dr. Bernard Drumm
UNR Secular Student Alliance- 3.2 Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of the Agenda - Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists. (For Possible Action)
6. Approval of the Minutes
7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest
- 7.1 Proclamation: "Sparks Library Summer Reading Month"
- 7.2 Commendation for Amy's Flowers of Sparks, for their gifts to senior citizens.
- 7.3 Commendation for "Flag Runners" Rob Mead and Carlos Gaytan
8. Consent Items
- 8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period May 7, 2015 through May 20, 2015. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 8.2 Consideration and possible approval of a contract in the amount of $175,562.50 with eRPortal Software Group, LLC for Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)/Asset Management software and annual license agreement for the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 8.3 Consideration and possible approval of a contract in the amount of $71,700.00 with Farr West Engineering for engineering support in implementing a Computerized Maintenance Management System/Asset Management system at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
9. General Business
- 9.1 Consideration and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of appointment to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees from the following pool of applicants, listed in alphabetical order: Adam Mayberry, Shaun Carey. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.2 To provide direction to the Chief of Police on the potential grant submission for the 2015 COPS Office Hiring Program (CHRP). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.3 Consideration and possible approval to purchase various commercial insurance policies to protect the financial interests of the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility for the next policy periods and authorization for the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute agreements for those policies. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.4 Consideration and possible approval to purchase various commercial insurance policies to protect the financial interests of the City for the next policy periods and authorization for the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute agreements for those policies. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.5 Consideration and possible approval to extend Contract #C-1090 (Bid #08/09-002) to Polydyne, Inc. for the purchase of Dewatering Polymer, (Clarifloc WE- 713) at the current price of $1.07/lb., at an approximate annual expense of $1,057,000, delivered through June 30, 2016. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.6 Consideration and possible approval of Bid # 14/15-019, for an initial one (1) year contract with the possibility of four (4), one (1) year extensions to Sierra Chemical Company of Nevada, Inc. for the amount of $0.7970 per solution/gallon to supply Sodium Hydroxide to the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.7 Approval of a reimbursement agreement with the City of Reno for the award of contract to K.G. Walters Construction for the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) Nitrification System Control Valve Replacements and Vault Construction - Phase 1 for the base bid in an amount not to exceed $2,054,000, with the City of Sparks’ share being $644,339.80 . (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.8 Consideration and possible approval of an interlocal agreement with the University of Nevada for the performance of an investigation into the feasibility of granular activated carbon for the treatment of dissolved organic nitrogen in an amount not to exceed $44,357.00. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.9 Consideration and possible approval of Resolution #3278, designating certain employees as Executive; providing salaries for employees in these positions; providing benefits for these employees; providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.10 Consideration and possible approval of Resolution #3279, designating certain employees as Management, Professional, and Technical; providing salaries for employees in these positions; providing benefits for these employees; providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.11 Consideration and possible approval of Resolution #3280, designating certain employees as Deputy Police Chief; providing salaries for employees in these positions; providing benefits for these employees; providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.12 Consideration and possible approval of Resolution #3281, designating certain employees as Confidential; providing salaries for employees in these positions; providing benefits for these employees; providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.13 Consideration and possible approval Resolution #3282, designating certain employees as Assistant, Senior and Chief City Attorneys; providing salaries for employees in these positions; providing benefits for these employees; providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
- 9.14 PCN12010 – Consideration of and possible action on a request for final approval of a Planned Development found in substantial conformance with the tentative approval for a 1,645 acre development in the NUD (New Urban District – Wingfield Springs) zoning district generally located north of Miramonte Planned Development, east of the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development and west of the Foothills at Wingfield Springs Planned Development, Sparks, NV (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning
- None
11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items
- None
12. Closed Door Sessions
- None
- 13.1 Comments from the Public
- 13.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager