Sparks City Council Meeting 9/10/2012 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, September 10, 2012 2:00 PM
    Sparks Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431

General Business: 6.7

Title: Consideration and possible direction to initiate a code amendment to allow adult care facilities for more than five residents in Residential districts.
Petitioner/Presenter: City of Sparks, Councilman Smith/Jim Rundle, Senior Planner
Recommendation: Instruct staff to initiate a code amendment to Title 20 to review the number of allowed residents for adult care facilities in residential zoning districts.
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: At the August 13, City Council meeting, Councilman Smith requested staff investigate changing the City’s zoning code to allow for more than five residents when operating adult care facilities within a home. Currently, Title 20 limits adult care to five residents. This item provides the City Council the opportunity to direct staff to research and prepare a code amendment for future consideration.

Background: The Sparks Municipal Code currently restricts the number of residents in an adult care facility within a home to five. Councilman Smith has received a request from a citizen to consider revising the code to be consistent with local fire and building codes. The local fire and building codes allow for more than five residents when sprinklers are installed within the residence. This item would direct staff to research and review what more appropriate standards may be for Sparks’ residential districts regarding adult care facilities. Staff may ultimately identify other related changes regarding adult care facilities and include them in a code amendment for future City Council consideration

Analysis: See Background section

Alternatives: The City Council decide not to direct staff to prepare a code amendment.

Recommended Motion: I move to direct staff to initiate a code amendment to Title 20 (zoning code) of the Sparks Municipal Code to review the number of residents allowed for adult care within a residence and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

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