Sparks City Council Meeting 9/10/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
General Business: 6.6
Title: Consideration and possible direction to initiate a zone change removing the “Conductor Heights” Transitional Overlay (T) in the Industrial zoning district.
Petitioner/Presenter: City of Sparks, Mayor Martini/Jim Rundle, Senior Planner
Recommendation: Instruct staff to initiate a zone change to remove the “Conductor Heights” Transitional Overlay (T) from the Industrial zoning district.
Financial Impact: Approximately $1,500
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: In 1981 the Conductor Heights neighborhood was rezoned from residential to Industrial. Due to the large number of residents living in the area in 1981, the area received a Transitional Overlay designation. All uses typically permitted by right in the Industrial zoning district also require a Special Use Permit so that any impacts of Industrial uses can be mitigated if they are near the existing residences. Today, residential uses in the area have become sporadic as the area has transitioned and become primarily industrial and commercial. The Transitional Overlay has effectively managed the transition of the neighborhood over 30 years and may therefore no longer be appropriate.
Background: In the early 1900’s Sparks became the home to Southern Pacific Railroad’s primary railroad repair facility for the western United States, and remained the City’s primary employer for approximately 60 years. Establishment of the railroad at the turn of the century initiated instant demand for housing; therefore, just west of the main facilities for the Railroad, a 50 block residential neighborhood was constructed for the Southern Pacific employees. Today, Conductor Heights, as this neighborhood was known, exists as a shadow of its former self. Over time the area has transitioned from residential to industrial for numerous reasons: • noise of the railroad provided a less attractive neighborhood than originally envisioned; • construction of Interstate 80 cut the area off from other residential and commercial uses to the north; and • noise impacts of the flight path. In 1981 an ordinance was adopted establishing the T (Transitional) overlay and at the same time an ordinance was adopted to rezone Conductor Heights from a residential zoning to Industrial. The T (Transitional) overlay was added to this new Industrial designation so residents of Conductor Heights would be considered whenever a typical industrial use was proposed at a site within proximity to residents. Residents of Conductor Heights had lived there all of their life and many established residents were reluctant to move. The Transitional designation applied to the Conductor Heights neighborhood ensured these residents would be considered when an Industrial use was proposed by requiring any use, even those permitted by right with standard I (Industrial) zoning, go through a Special Use Permit process. The Special Use Permit process includes noticing of property owners within 500 feet of the proposed site and a public hearing where citizens can suggest certain mitigation be applied to the proposal. By 2008, residential uses in the area had become sporadic as the area had transitioned to primarily industrial uses. This item provides the Council to direct staff to research a code amendment to remove the Transitional Overlay. Doing so would eliminate the Special Use requirement for industrial uses which are now the prevailing use in the area.
Analysis: See Background section
Alternatives: The City Council may determine this request to be inappropriate and decide not to direct staff to prepare a zoning change.
Recommended Motion: I move to direct staff to initiate a zone change to remove the Transitional Overlay (T) from parcels within the “Conductor Heights.”
Attached Files: