Sparks City Council Meeting 9/10/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
General Business: 6.8
Title: Consideration and possible approval of Amendment #1 to the AT & T Agreement, (A-3892), for the Adjustment of Utility Facilities between the City and AT & T, for the Prater Way Phase III Streetscape Enhancement Project, Federal Project No. STP-0031(088) and E.A. 73503.
Petitioner/Presenter: John Martini, P.E., Assistant Community Services Director/Chris Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve Amendment #1 to the AT & T Agreement, (A-3892), for the Adjustment of Utility Facilities between the City and AT & T, for the Prater Way Phase III Streetscape Enhancement Project, Federal Project No. STP-0031(088) and E.A. 73503.
Financial Impact: None.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: As part of the Prater Way Phase III Streetscape Enhancement Project the power poles are being relocated underground to allow for improved ADA access, pedestrian flow, and to help beautify the area. According to the Sparks Municipal Code the City is required to pay for the relocation of AT & T’s facilities. Trenching for the relocation was not included in the original agreement and material costs have increased since the agreement was approved. Amendment #1 has been provided to update these changes in cost. Staff recommends approval.
Background: The City of Sparks has received funding from the State of Nevada as part of the Transportation Enhancement Program. This will allow the City to construct Phase III, of the Prater Way Streetscape Enhancement Project, which will improve the sidewalk, landscaping and lighting along the north side of Prater Way from View Street to 22nd street and will improve ADA access, pedestrian flow, and help beautify the area. Improvements have already been completed on the south side of Prater Way using various funding sources. Prior to Phase III construction the power poles need to be relocated underground which requires AT & T to relocate their facilities underground. Currently the power poles do not allow ADA access since they are located in the middle of the sidewalk. The poles are also very unsightly and as part of the beautification project they must be re-located underground.
Analysis: The Sparks Municipal Code requires the City to reimburse AT & T for the cost of undergrounding their facilities for this project. The original cost to the City, outlined in Agreement (A-3892), was $34,094 which included AT & T’s labor and materials to remove the existing wire from the poles and pull wire into underground conduit. This did not include the contracted construction costs for trenching and conduit installation required to place the relocated services underground. AT & T has since received a trenching bid and updated the material and labor costs originally provided for the agreement. The trenching bid is $76,884 and the revised material and labor estimate for removing and relocating AT & T’s existing facilities (excluding trenching and conduit) increased to $42,569 for a total cost of $119,453. The additional cost above the original $34,094 as outlined above and in “Exhibit C” amounts to $85,359. These changes in cost require the City to amend the original Agreement (A-3892) dated August 22, 2011. A copy of Amendment #1 and “Exhibit C” is attached for the Council’s review.
Alternatives: 1. The City Council could approve the attached Amendment #1 to the AT & T Agreement, (A-3892), for the Adjustment of Utility Facilities between the City and AT & T as outlined by Staff. 2. The City Council could reject the attached Amendment #1 to the AT & T Agreement, (A-3892), for the Adjustment of Utility Facilities between the City and AT & T and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve Amendment #1 to the AT & T Agreement, (A-3892), for the Adjustment of Utility Facilities between the City and AT & T.
Attached Files: