Sparks City Council Meeting 6/11/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 11, 2012 2:00 PM745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
Consent Items: 5.11
Title: Consideration and possible award of the federally funded Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project, Bid No. 11/12-034, PWP-WA-2012-270 to Anchor Concrete, in the amount of $132,506.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Community Services Director/Christopher S. Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council award the federally funded Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project, Bid No. 11/12-034, PWP-WA-2012-270 to Anchor Concrete, in the amount of $132,506.
Financial Impact: This project will be funded 100% by HUD EDI grant. The available budget for the Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project in the FY12 is $138,672. The account number to be used for the encumbrance is 604050 Program 12-0422.
Total Costs: $132,506.00

Fund: Sparks Grants & Donations Fund Account: 604050 Program: Deer Park Bathhouse (122042) Amount: $132,506.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: This project will be funded 100% by HUD EDI grant. The available budget for the Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project in the FY12 is $138,672. The account number to be used for the encumbrance is 604050 Program 12-2042. |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible award of the federally funded Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project, Bid No. 11/12-034, PWP-WA-2012-270 to Anchor Concrete, in the amount of $132,506. This project will remove the existing wood structure bathroom and replace it with a prefabricated CMU/cement bathroom. Staff recommends approval.
Background: In FY 2006 the City of Sparks received a Federal HUD EDI Grant in the amount of $196,020 for improvements at Deer Park. These improvements include new casework and flooring for the Deer Park Pool Administration building and removal and replacement of the park bathroom. The existing bathroom at Deer Park was renovated in 1998 as a wood structure. Since this time due to use and vandalism, it has been difficult to keep the facility in service. Parks staff reviewed possible structures to replace it with and decided upon a prefabricated bathroom structure made out of CMU or concrete. The proposed structure will provide a more vandal proof facility with an improved mechanical chase for ease of maintenance.
Analysis: The scope of work for this project involves the removal and replacement of the existing bathroom, to include site improvements as necessary to facilitate installation of the prefabricated bathroom. A layout of the proposed building is attached to the staff report. The project advertised in the Reno Gazette Journal on May 9, 2012 and copies were distributed to local plan rooms and two addenda were issued during the bid. Bids were opened at City Hall on May 23, 2012. Bid results ranged in cost from $132,506 to $149,778. Below is a recap of the bids received: • Anchor Concrete $132,506 • Gerhardt & Berry Construction $149,778
Alternatives: 1. City Council could award the Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project, Bid No. 11/12-034, PWP-WA-2012-270 as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project, Bid No. 11/12-034, PWP-WA-2012-270 and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: I move to award the federally funded Deer Park Restroom Replacement Project, Bid No. 11/12-034, PWP-WA-2012-270 to Anchor Concrete, in the amount of $132,506.
Attached Files: