Sparks City Council Meeting 9/28/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 953 2916 6320
General Business: 9.5
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The U.S Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance has offered the City of Sparks a grant in the amount of $79,875 to be used towards the purchase of of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), cleaning/disinfectant and decontamination supplies and services, public self-service kiosks, and online training materials for sworn personnel.
The risk of exposure is a common and everyday occurrence for the Peace Officers of the City of Sparks. The strain this has placed on the city and its residents is immeasurable. The actual cost to the city may not be known for some time. In the interim, the City of Sparks Police Department has been left to defray the unexpected costs of COVID-19 that were not addressed through annual agency budgets.
These funds will be used solely for the purpose of preventing, preparing for, responding to and mitigating the adverse effects of COVID-19 on the city’s ability to safely provide necessary services.
The $79,875 grant will be used to address COVID-19 in the City of Sparks Police Department. The funds will be utilized to seek reimbursement for the purchases of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), cleaning/disinfectant and decontamination supplies and services, an online training curriculum that satisfies the state mandated requirements of Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST), and the establishment of self-service kiosks for the public. The funds will further be used in anticipation of projected expenditures that will continue for the foreseeable future.
1. Council may accept the Office of Criminal Justice Assistance Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding grant award
2. Council may reject the Office of Criminal Justice Assistance Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding grant award and provide further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to accept the grant award (AC-5694) from the the U.S Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program, in the amount of $79,875.
Attached Files: