Sparks City Council Meeting 9/28/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 953 2916 6320
General Business: 9.6

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 603057 Program: Major System Software Replacement Plan (080731) Amount: $62,190.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The city of Sparks is planning a redesign of our public website to make information more readily available and navigation easier for the general public.
The City of Sparks public website was last redesigned and updated in 2011. It is recommended that public websites be redesigned every three to four years to stay modern and help customers easily navigate to the information they are searching for.
The IT and Communications departments began searching for a new website provider in October of last year. We solicited proposals based on recommendations from other cities and counties. Upon receipt of these proposals, we asked four vendors to demonstrate their website portfolios and discuss their services.
After completing these discussions, we asked these vendors to submit a comprehensive proposal for a new City of Sparks public website.
The vendor we have chosen is Revize based on our three top criteria: ease of use, searchability and the look and feel of the design portfolio.
If approved, the design process will begin by the beginning of November and would go live by summer of 2021.
After consulting with other cities and organizations, our top four website vendors were:
1. Revize (proposed cost $62,190)
2. OpenCities ($30,000, did not include content migration)
3. CivicPlus (proposed cost $65,985)
4. KPS3, current vendor (proposed cost $80,000)
We chose Revize because of the cost, design and navigation process for the user, searchability, back end API support, tech support, mobile responsiveness, ADA compliance, implementation process, tech support, and a free custom redesign every four years. Although, the other vendors provided some of these benefits, none except Revize offered all of these. Additionally, the customer service experience with Revize has been excellent to date. We also reached out to four other cities that currently have Revize websites to ask about their customer experience. All gave us great reviews. Revize also proposed:
- Content migration (moving relevant pages for our current site to the new site), saving greatly on staff time.
- Creating subsites for Police, Fire and our Parks and Recreation Departments.
- Chat functionality.
- Translation into Spanish and other languages, if desired.
Examples of Revize websites:
Links to other information:
- Clark County video to introduce their Revize created website:
- Revize website:
We believe the cost to be very reasonable at $62,190 for the first year and $6,900 per year going forward.
- Council may choose to approve of the contract with Revize, Government Website Experts, for the design and implementation of a new city of Sparks public website.
- Council may deny the contract with Revize, Government Website Experts, and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve contract (AC-5689) in the amount of $62,190 with Revize, Government Website Experts, for the design and implementation of a new city of Sparks public website.
Attached Files: