Sparks City Council Meeting 4/27/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, April 27, 2015 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks

Consent Items: 8.5

Title: Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a contract for the Municipal Court Restroom, Office and Lobby Renovation Project, (AC-5137) Bid No. 14/15-015, PWP-WA-2015-117 to Reyman Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $119,500.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Brian Cason, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve the contract for the Municipal Court Restroom, Office and Lobby Renovation Project, Bid No. 14/15-015, PWP-WA-2015-117 to Reyman Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $119,500.00.
Financial Impact: This project will combine budget of $119,500 from two different CIP programs in Fund 1208 – Muni Court Admin Assessment Fund. $107,261 will come from CIP #14-5002 Lobby Bathroom, Marshall, Public Defender Area functional remodel (full remaining available balance) and $12,239 will come from CIP #15-2390 Annual Improvements (currently available $65,000).
Total Costs: $119,500.00
Fund: Muni Court Admin Assessments    Account: 604050
Program: 1208 Lobby Bathroom, Marshal, Public Defender Area ADA & Functional Remodel (14-5002)
Amount: $107,261.00    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Fund: Muni Court Admin Assessments    Account: 604050
Program: 1208 Muni Court - Annual Court Facility Improvements (15-2390)
Amount: $12,239.00    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Consideration and possible approval of a contract for the Municipal Court Restroom, Office and Lobby Renovation Project, Bid No. 14/15-015, PWP-WA-2015-117 to Reyman Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $119,500.00.  This project will include select demolition of the restrooms; new plumbing, wall framing; modification of mechanical ventilation and electrical systems; replacement of doors, plumbing and light fixtures; and ceramic tile, painting and finishes to make the public restrooms handicap accessible and provide a new consultation room.  City staff recommends approval.


The Sparks Municipal Courthouse was constructed in 1984 with several remodels completed in the building in the following years.   In November, 2014, informal quotes were solicited for this project, however the solicitation was cancelled as the quotes received exceeded the statutory limit of an informally quoted project. 

The renovations in this project will bring the public restrooms in to compliance with current handicap accessibility standards.  The project will also provide a new consultation room for the legal counsel to the defendant.     These renovations comprise phase I of the lobby renovation project.    Phase II will be completed in the future when funding is available to complete the renovation of the remainder of the lobby. 


This project was advertized in the Reno Gazette Journal on March 11, 2015, with a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting on March 19, 2015.  At least ten (10) general contractors attended the pre-bid meeting or reviewed the bid package.  One addendum was issued.

Six (6) bids were opened at City Hall on April 7, 2015.  The bids range in cost from $119,000.00 to $179,251.65.  The contract amount includes a force account of $10,000 if required to correct unforeseen conditions.  There are no alternate bid items in this project.  No arithmetic or clerical errors were found in the bids.

Bidder                                                                  Base bid with Force account

Reyman Brothers Construction                             $119,500.00

Truckee Meadows Construction                              122,000.00

Gill Construction, Inc.                                               125,111.00

Bison Construction                                                   132,000.00

Walker River Construction, Inc.                                136,727.00

Advance Installations, Inc.                                        179,251.65

Engineer’s Estimate                                                  128,000.00   


  1. City Council could approve Municipal Court Restroom, Office and Lobby Renovation Project as outlined by Staff.
  2. City Council could reject the Municipal Court Restroom, Office and Lobby Renovation Project and provide direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the contract for the Municipal Court Restroom, Office and Lobby Renovation Project, Bid No. 14/15-015, PWP-WA-2015-117 to Reyman Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $119,500.00.

Attached Files:
     Bid Re-cap-Municipal Court Renovation- Bid 14-15-015.pdf
     Reyman Contract - Municipal Court.pdf
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