Sparks City Council Meeting 1/12/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, January 12, 2015 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks

Consent Items: 8.5

Title: Consideration and possible approval of personnel complement changes for Administrative Services, Community Services, and the Municipal Court and Appendix A changes in Management, Professional, Technical Resolution and the Confidential Resolution.
Petitioner/Presenter: Chris Syverson, Administrative Services Director/Chris Syverson, Administrative Services Director
Recommendation: The City Council approves the complement changes in the Administrative Services Department, Community Services Department and the Municipal Court and the Appendix A changes in the Management, Professional, Technical Resolution and the Confidential Resolution.
Financial Impact: Full Year Impact Community Services 1101 ($19,721), 1401 $38,133 , 1630 ($77,398),1640 $67,343,1702 ($65,310) Total ($56,953); Administrative Services1101 Savings ($8,058),1630 Savings ($14,943), Municapl Court 1101 $10,077
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Due to recent vacancies in the Administrative Services Department and the Community Services Department, both departments want to utilize this opportunity to streamline the management level while increasing the number of line staff in a cost savings manner.   Municipal Court has a need for a new position that ensures compliance to Judicial orders and maintains a new mandated case management system.


Due to recent vacancies in the Administrative Services Department and the Community Services Department, both departments want to utilize this opportunity to streamline the management level while increasing the number of line staff in a cost savings manner.   Municipal Court has a need for a new position that ensures compliance to Judicial orders and maintains a new mandated case management system.


Complement Changes

Administrative Services Department

On October 27, 2014, the City Manager re-established the position of Administrative Services Director.  This action provided an opportunity to review the Management Services Division and to re-structure it for optimum current and planned staffing.

It is recommended that the position of Employee and Customer Relations Manager be eliminated and that the divisions of Customer Service and Human Resources be managed/supervised separately.

Human Resources – the position of Human Resources Manager will be reinstated, with the current positions of Human Resources Analyst I/II and Human Resources Analyst – Senior retained, but staffing reduced  by one Analyst position.  In addition, the position of Administrative Secretary – Risk will be reclassified to Human Resources/Risk Technician I/II.  This change will allow Human Resources and Risk to relinquish all Customer Services tasks by reassigning them all to Customer Services.  The change will allow the focus of the position to more clearly focus on technical HR and Risk functions.

Customer Services – With the elimination of Employee and Customer Relations Manager, it is necessary to assign a position of full time management of the division to a Customer Services Manager (shared responsibility with the Building Official).  This will allow for a dedicated, on site manager full time.  In addition, there will be an additional Customer Services Specialist I/II created within the division.  This is necessary due to the transfer of duties from the HR/Risk Administrative Secretary and the growth in need for services in the building arena.  Lastly, one Customer Services Specialist I/II will be reclassified to Business License Specialist to accurately reflect the duties performed and give specialized focus to that area.

Below is the proposed complement:

Current Complement

Proposed Complement

Administrative Services Director

Administrative Services Director

Customer Services and Human Resources

Customer Service

Employee & Customer Relations Manager

Customer Services Manager

Customer Service Specialist I/II

Business License Specialist

Customer Service Specialist I/II

Customer Service Specialist I/II

Customer Service Specialist I/II

Customer Service Specialist I/II

Customer Service Specialist I/II

Customer Service Specialist I/II


Customer Service Specialist I/II


Human Resources

Human Resources Analyst Senior

Human Resources Manager

Human Resources Analyst Senior

Human Resources Analyst Senior

Human Resources Analyst I/II

Human Resources Analyst I/II

Human Resources Technician I/II

Human Resources/Risk Technician I/II

Administrative Secretary

Human Resources/Risk Technician I/II

Contracts & Risk

Contracts & Risk

Contracts & Risk Manager

Contracts & Risk Manager

The above complement change full year impact results in savings in general fund of $8,058 and a savings in sewer fund of $14,943.


Community Services Department

In November a vacancy in the Community Services Department gave the Department the opportunity to analyze its organizational structure and determine the needs of the organization within the Maintenance Division.  Staff recommends a change from the current hierarchy of two managers overseeing two separate divisions to a one manager structure.  This will enable the department to increase the number of line staff in a cost neutral manner while giving the department increased operational efficiency.


The recommended structure is as follows.  The Maintenance Division will be renamed Public Works, with one Public Works Manager overseeing the whole operation supported by one Assistant Public Works Manager. The addition of an Assistant Public Works Manager eliminates the need for the Crew Supervisor classification in Fleet and Facilities.  Therefore, the Crew Supervisor position will be reclassified to a Facilities Maintenance Worker III.   Finally, the Equipment Mechanic II will be reclassified to an Equipment Mechanic III, thereby providing greater technical and lead support for the fleet staff.


Below is the proposed complement.


Current Complement

Proposed Complement

Fleet & Facilities

Public Works

Fleet & Facilities Manager

Public Works Manager


Assistant Public  Works Manager

Administrative Secretary

Administrative Secretary



Fleet and Facilities


Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Equipment Mechanic II

Equipment Mechanic III

Equipment Mechanic I/II

Equipment Mechanic I/II

Equipment Mechanic I/II

Equipment Mechanic I/II

Equipment Mechanic I/II

Equipment Mechanic I/II

Equipment Service Worker

Equipment Service Worker

Equipment Parts Technician

Equipment Parts Technician





Crew Supervisor

Facilities Maintenance Worker III

Facilities Maintenance Worker IV

Facilities Maintenance Worker IV

Electrician III

Electrician III

Electrician I/II

Electrician I/II

Community Appearance Maintenance Worker III

Community Appearance Maintenance Worker III



Maintenance & Operations

Maintenance & Operations

Maintenance & Operations Manager


Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Crew Supervisor

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker III

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Parks Maintenance Worker I/II

Streets Maintenance Worker IV

Streets Maintenance Worker IV

Streets Maintenance Worker I/II

Streets Maintenance Worker I/II

Streets Maintenance Worker I/II

Streets Maintenance Worker I/II

Streets Maintenance Worker I/II

Streets Maintenance Worker I/II

Traffic Maintenance Worker IV

Traffic Maintenance Worker IV

Traffic Maintenance Worker III

Traffic Maintenance Worker III

Traffic Maintenance Worker III

Traffic Maintenance Worker III

Traffic Maintenance Worker III

Traffic Maintenance Worker III

Utilities Maintenance Worker IV

Utilities Maintenance Worker IV

Utilities Maintenance Worker III

Utilities Maintenance Worker III

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

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Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II

Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II


Below are the final position counts:




Public Works Manager


Assistant Public  Works Manager


Administrative Secretary


Crew Supervisor


Community Appearance Maintenance Worker III


Electrician I/II


Electrician III


Equipment Mechanic I/II


Equipment Mechanic III


Equipment Parts Technician


Equipment Service Worker


Facilities Maintenance Worker IV


Facilities Maintenance Worker III


Parks Maintenance Worker I/II


Parks Maintenance Worker III


Streets Maintenance Worker I/II


Streets Maintenance Worker IV


Traffic Maintenance Worker III


Traffic Maintenance Worker IV


Utilities Maintenance Worker I/II


Utilities Maintenance Worker III


Utilities Maintenance Worker IV


Grand Total



The above complement change full year impact results in savings $56,953. The breakdown by fund is:

















Municipal Court

The Court recommends the complement change of reclassifying Municipal Court Clerk Interpreter I/II to a Court Compliance Officer.  By doing this, the Court will have an employee dedicated to ensuring compliance to the judicial orders, specifically for those defendants who are in drug court and require additional monitoring and a “hands on approach”.  The Community Service program currently has four employees working in it, which is insufficient to maintain compliance and statistical reporting for the program.   The Court has needed this position for years, and now has the opportunity to request it.   In addition, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has a new case management system that the City is required to utilize in order to continue receiving funding for the drug court defendants (funding that pays for court ordered counseling, electronic monitoring, bus passes, etc.).  The case management system is very complex and requires more data entry and has an extensive reporting requirement as compared with past systems.

Below is the proposed complement.

Current Complement

Proposed Complement



Municipal Court Judge, Dept. 1

Municipal Court Judge, Dept. 1

Municipal Court Judge, Dept. 2

Municipal Court Judge, Dept. 2

Admin. Asst. to the Judges

Admin. Asst. to the Judges





Municipal Court Administrator

Municipal Court Administrator

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk I/II

Municipal Court Clerk/Interpreter I/II

Municipal Court Clerk/Interpreter I/II

Municipal Court Clerk/Interpreter I/II

Court Compliance Officer











The above complement change full year impact results in additional cost to the General Fund of $10,077.


Appendix A Resolution Changes

With the above changes to the personnel complement in the Administrative Services Department and Community Services Department, the Management & Professional Resolution Appendix A and the Confidential Appendix A must be amended to add new classifications and to remove eliminated classifications.


Classification Recommendations:

An analysis was conducted for the affected positions keeping internal equity in mind.  The following pay ranges are recommended.


Mid-Management Professional

Job Classifications and Salary Wage Ranges to be added to appendix A:



Assistant Public Works Manager

Pay Range:

$63,794 - $87,277



Customer Services Manager

Pay Range:

$63,794 - $87,277



Human Resources Manager

Pay Range:

$73,882 - $106,226



Public Works Manager

Pay Range:

$83,075 - $118,955


Job Classifications and Salary Wage Ranges to be eliminated from appendix A:

Employee and Customer Service Manager

Fleet and Facilities Manager

Maintenance and Operations Manager



Job Classifications and Salary Wage Ranges to be added to Appendix A:

Title:                  Human Resources/Risk Technician I      

Pay Range:      $41,642 – $53,040                                          


Title:                  Human Resources/Risk Technician II    

Pay Range:      $45,885 - $58,469


Job Classifications and Salary Wage Ranges to be eliminated from to Appendix A:

Human Resources Technician I

Human Resources Technician II


Attached is the new Appendix As for Mid-Management, Professional, Technical and Confidential Resolutions effective January 12, 2015.



  1. The City Council may approve Appendix A changes and personnel complement changes.
  2. The City Council may not approve Appendix A changes and personnel complement changes.
  3. The City Council may choose not to Appendix A changes and personnel complement changes, but may provide other direction to City staff.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the Appendix A changes in the Management, Professional and Technical and Confidential Resolutions and the personnel complement changes in the Administrative Services Department, Community Services Department and Municipal Court.

Attached Files:
     MP Appendix A Proposed 01012015.pdf
     CF Appendix A 011215.pdf
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