Sparks City Council Meeting 10/28/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 28, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, Nevada
Consent Items: 5.5

Fund: General Fund Account: 603445 Program: Fire Equipment Replacement Program (100404) Amount: $53,550.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Fire Department is requesting approval to apply for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 2014 Assistance to Firefighters Grant to replace its current inventory of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). The age of each SCBA pack is 13 years (all SCBA were purchased in 2000), and maintenance as well as minor component failures have increased. All SCBA are also out of compliance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1981 - Standard on Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Emergency Services. Estimated cost to replace the entire inventory is $535,500, with the 10% grant match of $53,550 being the responsibility of the City.
The Fire Department currently has an inventory of 76 SCBA units, which are assigned to all fire apparatus. Each member of the department is issued a mask and regulator to be used in conjunction with the SCBA unit, and all units also have a 30 minute air cylinder. These SCBA components are used for all structure fire and hazardous material operations. Spare 60 minute cylinders are used during special operations requiring long-duration assignments, for example rescue and hazmat. The age of all units is 13 years, and maintenance and minor component failures have increased in recent years. Also, each unit is out of compliance with NFPA 1981. Because of increased maintenance, component failures, and compliance issues the fire department is faced with replacement of these units within the next few years in order to reduce the chances of a catastrophic failure. The fire department is seeking approval to apply for a FEMA 2014 AFG to assist in funding the purchase of these units.
The SCBA is arguably the single most important piece of safety equipment that a firefighter relies on during structure fire and hazardous material incidents. Based on a person’s location and assignment within a structure fire or hazardous materials incident, a catastrophic SCBA failure could lead to severe injuries, disability, or a possible fatal accident. All SBCA units in our inventory are currently 13 years old.
Although no catastrophic failures have occurred, minor component failures have increased to both the units (hardware, straps, buckles, etc.) and facemasks (straps, face seal tearing, face lens cracking, etc.). The unit’s reducer (the component that reduces air pressure from 4,500 psi to approximately 100 psi for usability) has also incurred failures while on the test bench, which requires the need for a complete rebuild of the reducer. Not only are these failures and maintenance problems expensive for the department (approximately $10,000 – $15,000 per year), but are also time consuming for SCBA technicians (the department has four current personnel trained as SCBA repair technicians). The increase in maintenance and minor component failures could also be indicators of a catastrophic failure in the near future.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard covering SCBA is NFPA 1981. Since the purchase of the department’s units in 2000, three (3) updates to this standard have occurred with all updates essentially addressing safety improvements. Below is a brief summary of the safety improvements covered by these updated standards:
• Inclusion of a RIT fitting – allows for rapid cylinder refill in the field to extend rescue time for downed fire personnel
• Inclusion of a Heads-Up Display – this is a set of LED lights mounted on the facemask to provide a visual indicator of the air remaining in the cylinder
• Changed the low air alarm activation point – to allow greater time for personnel to depart the interior of a building the low air alarm will activate at 33% remaining air rather than 25%
• Upgrades to the regulator diaphragm to be CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) resistant
• Inclusion of a GPS unit on the pack – to assist in tracking personnel on the fire ground and locating lost firefighters in a building
• Improved radio interfacing – to improve communications while wearing a facemask
• Improvements in mask design – current inventory of masks will not be supported in the future
Because of these safety improvements, FEMA has designated all units 10 years old or greater as “obsolete” (“In order to be considered “obsolete” PPE/ SCBA must be 10 years or 2 NFPA cycles old. 2002 standard or older is the highest priority.” Information taken from the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program – 2013 Grant Program Overview).
Alternatives: None
Recommended Motion: Staff recommends that Council approve and direct the fire department to apply for the FEMA 2014 AFG grant.