Sparks City Council Meeting 10/22/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 22, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Legislative Building, 745 E. 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 8.1
Title: Public hearing, consideration and possible action on Resolution No. 3224, revising fees for development services provided by the City of Sparks and specifically considering fees for Special Use Permits, Site Plan Reviews, Code Amendments, and Expired Tentative Subdivision Maps.
Petitioner/Presenter: City of Sparks/Jim Rundle, Senior Planner
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council amend the Resolution continuing fees associated with development services provided by the City of Sparks.
Financial Impact: not applicable
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: To facilitate business investment and promote job growth in the City of Sparks, staff is proposing to continue the reduced fees for Special Use Permits, Site Plan Reviews, Code Amendments, and review of expired Tentative Maps.
Background: Combined Background/Analysis, see "Analysis"
Analysis: The Development Services Enterprise Fund (DSEF) was created by City Council action in 1999. The intent was to have the development community pay for services the City provided to review, entitle, permit and inspect land use approvals and development activity. Services included in the fund range from Planned Developments to Special Use Permit review. Last year, the City Council approved a resolution which amended the fees for Special Use Permits, Site Plan Reviews, Code Amendments, and Tentative Maps with a time and materials billing mechanism. The approval included a method to charge for entitlements based on time and materials. A deposit of $1,250 is now required for Special Use Permits, Site Plan Reviews, and Tentative Maps; all with an amount not to exceed of $7,495. The Council also approved keeping the “Major” Special Use Permit which requires a deposit of $10,000 credited toward actual staff time. Prior to adoption of this resolution, routine Special Use permits were $13385, minor Special Use Permits were $7495, routine Site Plan Reviews were $6,975, minor Site Plan Reviews were $4250, and review of expired Tentative Subdivision maps were $16,050. When the resolution was approved last year, the City Council included an expiration date of October 2012. This was included so the Council could review how the new fee schedule was working. There has been 13 Special Use Permits and 11 Site Plan Reviews submitted year to date. Staff is proposing continuing the existing resolution for six months so as to provide a full year’s worth of data to the Development Services Users Group and solicit input prior to proposing any changes to the City Council. The six month continuance will also permit staff the time to provide complete billing details for a full year of having the amended fee schedule in place. Resolution #3206 has been attached to this staff report and the fees are listed.
Alternatives: The fees expire this October of 2012. The Council may provide other direction to staff.
Recommended Motion: I move to adopt Resolution No. 3224 revising fees related to development services provided by the City of Sparks for Special Use Permits, Site Plan Review, Code Amendments, and Review of Expired Tentative Subdivision Maps.
Attached Files:

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