Sparks City Council Meeting 7/23/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 23, 2012 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.6
Title: Consideration and possible approval of the purchase of portable radio batteries from Global Technology Systems, Inc. in the amount of $38,814.00
Petitioner/Presenter: Brian Allen/Brian Allen
Recommendation: Approve the purchase of portable radio batteries from Global Technology Systems, Inc.
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: This agenda item supports the previous agenda item for the purchase of portable radios from Dailey-Wells. Global Technology Systems, Inc. is a subsidiary of Honeywell Batteries and has developed a Lithium Ion Polymer battery specifically for the P7200 series radios purchased in the previous agenda item. The batteries have an increased run times, increased cycle life, have no memory effect and are more cost effective than the batteries that can be provided by Dailey-Wells.
Background: In the previous agenda item, the Council approved the purchase of portable radios and equipment from Dailey-Wells Communications. Though the radios and programming are proprietary and sole sourced per the Washoe County Regional Communications System, Inter-Local Agreement, the batteries for the radio are not covered under the agreement. This agenda item outlines a request to purchase the appropriate batteries and chargers for the Dailey-Wells Communications P7270 portable radios. During the FY13 budget cycle, funding for the purchase of new portable radios for the police department were included in the approved CIP funds. The total amount between both agenda items is under the amount set aside in CIP funds
Analysis: The Sparks Police Department, Sparks Fire Department and Washoe County Technology Services have field tested portable radio batteries from multiple sources to include the batteries offered by Dailey-Wells Communications (manufacturer of the portable radio) and aftermarket batteries. Field tests have shown that the Honeywell NeoCell (Li-Ion Polymer) battery provides the longest use life of batteries tested. The Honeywell battery, developed specifically by Global Technology Systems, Inc. for the P7200 series portable radios is the only Lithium Ion Polymer battery utilizing the NeoCell technology. These batteries are lighter, have increased cycle life, wider operating ranges and longer run times than comparable batteries. The NeoCell batteries provided by GTS are also more cost effective than the Dailey-Wells comparable battery. Based on the use time and shift schedules, each officer will be supplied with two (2) batteries and a single bay battery charger. There are also 8 – 6 bay chargers located throughout the station that will be replaced with the new battery technology. Global Technology Systems is the sole manufacturer of the NeoCell battery for Honeywell and provides the batteries at the lowest discounted price nationwide. The Sparks Police Department is joining the price quote and bid from the Washoe County Technology Services provide to the Washoe County Users Group for the Washoe County Regional Communications System (see attached documents).
Alternatives: 1. Council can reject the purchase of the Honeywell batteries and can authorize the batteries to be purchased through Dailey-Wells, or 2. Council can accept the recommendation.
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the purchase of portable radio batteries from Global Technology Systems, Inc. in the amount of $38,814.00
Attached Files: