Sparks City Council Meeting 7/9/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 9, 2012 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.3
Title: Consideration and possible approval of the I-Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Bid No. 11/12-040, PWP-WA-2012-303 to Stampede Construction, Inc., in the amount of $115,365.50.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Christopher S. Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve the I-Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Bid No. 11/12-040, PWP-WA-2012-303, to Stampede Construction, Inc., in the amount of $115,365.50.
Financial Impact: $115,365.50 for the I-Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project is available in FY 12/13 in CIP #136607, and will be encumbered in Account 604150, Program 13-6607.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible approval of the I-Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Bid No. 11/12-040, PWP # WA-2012-303 to Stampede Construction, Inc., in the amount of $115,365.50. This project will replace the existing sewer main, which is damaged and in poor condition, with a new gravity sewer main and service laterals to serve the adjoining properties. City staff recommends approval.
Background: The existing sewer main was constructed circa 1930 during the development of this subdivision. This street contains houses built over the last eighty years representing several generations of construction including at least two generations of utility systems. Video inspection of this sewer main shows deterioration, sagging and damage in several locations that justify replacement rather than repair of the sewer main.
Analysis: The project was advertised in the Reno Gazette Journal on May 23, 2012 and copies were distributed to local plan rooms. Seven (7) bids were opened at City Hall on June 21, 2012. The bids range in cost from $115,365.50 to $221,000. The contract amount includes a force account of $15,000 if required to correct unforeseen conditions. There are no alternate bid items in this project. No arithmetic errors or irregularities were found in the bids. Stampede Construction, Inc. is the responsive low bidder for this project in the amount of $115,365.50. A recap of the bids follows. Stampede Construction $115,365.50 Sierra Nevada Construction $124,007.00 Gerhardt & Berry Construction $133,715.10 Peavine Construction $134,220.00 Campbell Construction $137,813.50 Reno Tahoe Construction $190.058.70 A & K Earth Movers $221,000.00 Engineer’s Estimate $148,924.00
Alternatives: 1. City Council could approve the I-Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the I-Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the I-Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Bid No. 11/12-040, PWP-WA-2012-303 to Stampede Construction, Inc., in the amount of $115,365.50.
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