Sparks City Council Meeting 4/12/2021 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 994 1680 0587
Consent Items: 8.3
Title: Consideration discussion, and possible approval of a professional services contract (AC-5745) with Black Eagle Consulting, Inc., for inspection and testing of public improvements for the 5 Ridges backbone infrastructure improvements in the amount of $114,100.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Jon R. Ericson, P.E., PTOE, City Engineer
Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve an inspection and testing contract for the 5 Ridges backbone infrastructure improvements in the amount of $114,100 to Black Eagle Consulting, Inc.
Financial Impact: $114,100.00 will be funded from Fund 2201 Development Services Fund.
Total Costs: $114,100.00

Fund: Development Services Fund Account: 603242 Program: Plan Check (130901) Amount: $114,100.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:
Due to the anticipated workload of City public works inspection staff, staff recommends utilizing a professional consulting firm to augment the inspection and testing of the 5 Ridges backbone infrastructure improvements. Black Eagle Consulting, Inc. (BEC), a local professional testing and inspection firm, is very familiar with City and local inspection and testing requirements. Staff recommends approval of the professional services contract with BEC for inspection and testing in the 5 Ridges development.
The 5 Ridges backbone infrastructure consists of two parkway collector roads, 5 Ridges Parkway and Antelope Ridge Parkway, and the associated utilities, drainage infrastructure, streetscape landscaping, and monumentation. These plans also provide for the partial widening of Highland Ranch Parkway and the substructure for future signalization at the project entrance.
The backbone infrastructure is being constructed to serve the overall 5 Ridges development which will consist of up to 1,800 single- and multifamily residential lots. The 5 Ridges development consists of Villages 1 through 10 and the parkway roads and backbone infrastructure will provide the ingress and egress to these villages along with storm drainage and utility stubs to provide water, sewer, power, and communications.
The two parkway roads will be dedicated public roadways. 5 Ridges Parkway extends from the project entrance running generally north-south up to the Villages 9 and 10 on the north end of the project. Antelope Ridge Parkway runs generally east-west through the 2nd roundabout on 5 Ridges Parkway and ends on the east side at Village 7. On the west side, Antelope Ridge Parkway terminates in a roundabout at Village 8. The parkways are two lanes with a median (one travel lane in each direction), bike lanes, and turn lanes as needed for intersections. The pedestrian access for the development is provided with a five-foot-wide meandering asphalt path along one side of each parkway. The asphalt path will be privately maintained and dedicated to the Landscape Maintenance Association (LMA). Highland Ranch Parkway was partially widened through the intersection area to prepare for the eventual widening down to the Pyramid Way intersection and includes substructure for the future signalization of the intersection.
The backbone utilities to provide eventual service to each village generally consist of the following items:
• 8”, 10”, 12”, and 16” Sun Valley General Improvement District water mains and associated appurtenances, including four irrigation points of connection for landscape irrigation.
• 8” and 10” sanitary sewer mains to be dedicated to the City of Sparks. The sewer will outflow to the south to the project entrance and then east tying into an existing sewer main in Highland Ranch Parkway.
• The storm drainage infrastructure generally consists of open channel rock lined drainage channels and a series of inlets and storm drain pipe to convey storm drain runoff. The peak flows are mitigated by four detention basins throughout the site. The street inlets, storm drain pipe, and culverts will be dedicated to the City of Sparks and the drainage channels will be located in common areas and be maintained by the LMA. The site hydrology was guided by a master Hydrology report.
• Shallow or dry utilities have been designed by each service provider and include electric and gas (NV Energy), phone/communications (AT&T), and cable TV/communications (Charter).
• An irrigation system to be maintained by the LMA will provide water to the streetscape landscaping.
The streetscape landscaping includes extensive planting of trees, shrubs, turf, and ornamentals generally in rock mulch planter beds along both sides of the parkways and in the medians and roundabouts. The entry monumentation has been provided on the landscape plans. The landscaping will be maintained by the LMA.
The anticipated workload of City public works inspection staff is substantial due to eight subdivisions currently under construction, six subdivisions anticipated to begin construction in the near future, and the street cut patching program and six capital improvements projects scheduled this upcoming construction season. To provide acceptable inspection and testing for the 5 Ridges project, a consulting firm specializing in testing and inspection is recommended.
Staff is recommending Black Eagle Consulting, Inc. (BEC), a local professional engineering consulting firm specializing in geotechnical testing and inspection, be retained to augment the City’s inspection capability. BEC has worked closely on numerous City projects as well as private developments in the City of Sparks. BEC can provide all the required inspection and testing services during construction of the public improvements in the 5 Ridges project. The public improvements for the backbone infrastructure include construction of 5 Ridges Parkway and Antelope Ridge Parkway, and the associated sanitary sewer and storm drain infrastructure. The professional scope of services will provide inspection and testing of the placement of public aggregate base, Portland Cement Concrete (PCC), and Asphaltic Cement (AC) placement, along with the installation of sanitary sewer and storm drain facilities. All inspection and testing will be performed according to the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Orange Book) and City of Sparks requirements. The estimated number of hours for field inspection is 700 hours, 80 hours of project management time and associated laboratory testing over a seven-month construction period. Approving the BEC professional services contract will ensure the backbone improvements in the 5 Ridges Development are properly coordinated, inspected, and tested during the construction of the project. The contract for the project has been attached for reference.
- City Council may approve the contract as outlined by staff.
- City Council may reject the contract and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve a professional services contract (AC-5745) with Black Eagle Consulting, Inc., for inspection and testing of public improvements for the 5 Ridges backbone infrastructure improvements in the amount of $114,100.00.
Attached Files: