Sparks City Council Meeting 5/29/2012 2:00:00 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 2:00 PMSparks City Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.2
Title: Consideration and possible authorization to pay the membership with the National League of Cities and to pay the membership with the Nevada League of Cities & Municipalities for fiscal year 2012-13 and designate the Mayor or a member of the City Council to serve on the Board of Directors of the Nevada League of Cities & Municipalities and designate the Mayor, member of the City Council or City Staff to serve on the NV League’s Legislative Sub-Committee through December, 2012.
Petitioner/Presenter: Shaun D. Carey, City Manager/Shaun D. Carey, City Manager
Recommendation: That Council authorize the City Manager to pay the memberships in the National League of Cities and the Nevada League of Cities and Muncipalities for fiscal year 2012-13 and appoint an elected official to the Board of Directors of the Nevada League of Cities & Municipalities
Financial Impact: $25,706
Total Costs: $25,706.00

Fund: General Fund Account: 603160 Program: General Government (059080) Amount: $25,706.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Authorization to pay the memberships with the National League of Cities and the Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities and appointment of an elected official to the Board of Directors
Background: Background: At the April 9, 2012 meeting, the City Council approved expenditures for city memberships and contributions, including membership in the Nevada League of Cities & Municipalities (NVLCM). Annual membership in the NVLCM is $17,890. Approval of this item will authorize the City Manager to pay the membership for fiscal year 2012-13. As an NVLCM member, the Mayor or a member of the City Council is invited to serve as a member of the League’s Board of Directors as well as the Leagues’ legislative Sub-Committee. The primary role as a Director includes attending the quarterly Board of Director meetings and representing the City’s interest. The primary duty of the Legislative Committee members is to help craft the League's legislative package for recommendation to the Board of Directors. Following is a calendar of events, membership benefits, and other services provided by the Nevada League of Cities & Municipalities: League of City Upcoming Events: Executive Board Meeting - May 18 Las Vegas Quarterly Board Meeting - May 31 Reno Strategic Planning Session - May 31 Reno Quarterly Board Meeting - August, TBA Legislative Committee Meetings - June, July, August, TBA POWER (Elected Officials Training) - October 4 Elko Annual Conference - October 4-6 Elko Annual Business Meeting - October 6 Membership Benefits Though many view the Nevada League of Cities & Municipalities as primarily a legislative advocacy group, the League offers many more benefits to its members. Following is a list of various benefits that League members enjoy. Legislative Some members rely on the League as their sole lobbying representative, while others provide their own primary lobbyist or team and rely on the League for support and coordination with other jurisdictions. The League’s primary legislative focus is to present a united front to the Legislature and to leverage our strength in numbers. Additionally, the League provides other Legislative support to its members such as: - League sponsored Bill Draft Requests The League is statutorily authorized to sponsor up to five Bill Draft Requests per regular Legislative Session. The League’s Legislative Committee and the Board of Directors select these BDR’s. Each of these bodies includes a representative from each member municipality. During the most recent Legislative Session, the League was successful in having three of five BDR’s signed into law. That 60% rate of success is typical in the League’s recent experience and exceeded the overall percentage of Bills passed (49%). - Direct Advocacy During Legislative Session as well as during the Legislative Interim, the League engages in a variety of direct advocacy efforts. These include individual meetings with Legislators, testimony before Legislative Committees, and providing information to decision-makers. - Legislative Strategy Sessions During the Session, the League’s legislative team interfaces daily with each of our members’ lobbyists. Additionally, the League hosts a weekly strategy session which includes lunch. This gives each member lobbyist an opportunity to share and receive information and to participate in a dialogue aimed at producing collective strategy. The League also has frequent Board of Directors meetings and teleconferences during Session to both foster communication and solicit direction to League staff, including a weekly Executive Board teleconference. - Meetings with Legislative Leadership The League often arranges group and individual meetings for our members with legislative leadership. Prior to the two most recent sessions, the League facilitated meetings between our members and the Governor as well as with the Majority and Minority Leadership of both houses. Additionally, during the Legislative Session, the Executive Director has a standing weekly lunch meeting with the Senate Government Affairs Chairman to which members are often invited. - Legislative Receptions The League hosts a bi-annual Legislative Reception at the Governor’s Mansion. These receptions are well attended by Legislators, Constitutional Officers, and our members. These provide a relaxed environment in which to network with elected officials from around the state. - Assistance with City-specific Issues To the degree that a city-specific legislative issue is not in conflict with the interests of other members, the League is able to assist with advocacy on behalf of a specific member. In some cases, the League has used one of its Bill Draft Requests for an issue specific to a single member municipality. - Clearinghouse for Legislative Requests Increasingly, Legislative Committee Chairs ask for information to be provided to and compiled by the League for submission to the Committee. Additionally, requests for information are often directed to the League for dissemination through the League listserv. - Legislative Tracking and Reports The League tracks all bills that have or may have implications to municipalities. The League’s updated tracking report is distributed to our membership on a weekly basis during the Legislative Session. Additionally, the League sends periodic alerts and updates. At the conclusion of each Legislative Session, the League produces and distributes a Session Report outlining the issues of relevant interest to cities and towns. Board Meetings The League’s Board of Directors holds regular quarterly meetings. The Board may meet more often, as occasion requires. Additionally, the League’s Executive Board meets on an as-needed basis, typically more often than the Board of Directors. Each member municipality holds a seat on the Board of Directors and designates its own representative (which must be an elected official). Additionally, two City Managers are appointed to the League’s Board of Directors. These meetings provide a unique opportunity to network with other elected officials as well as the opportunity to influence the direction of the League. Directory of Local and State Officials The League maintains an electronic version of a Directory of Local and State Officials. This document is available on the League’s website and is routinely emailed to our members. The directory includes contact information for all elected officials and key appointed officials. Awards & Recognitions The League annually gives public recognition to elected officials and staffers who give significant service to their communities as well as supporting statewide efforts to promote the interests of local government. Included in these awards is the Public Official of the Year Award, which honors a League member who has shown exemplary service and dedication. Health Insurance Pool The League sponsors and manages a health insurance pool, which is available to all of its members as well as counties and school districts. This allows our members, by banding together, to enjoy a greater economy of scale in the health insurance market. It has resulted in greater stability for the participating communities. Deferred Compensation Program The League offers a supplementary deferred compensation program to its members. This allows member municipalities to offer a program designed to supplement the PERS program. Not only is this service free to the employer; but in every case, the participating employers have experienced a savings in payroll taxes by participating in the program. Additionally, it offers an additional low-risk retirement option to employees. Annual Conference The League’s Annual Conference presents a unique opportunity to participate in continuing education opportunities for both elected officials and city staff, as well as to network with colleagues from around the state. The conference is held in a different member city each year, which not only allows members the opportunity to visit other communities and observe best practices first hand, but also provides member municipalities with the periodic opportunity to showcase their own community and experience the economic impact of hosting the conference. National League of Cities The National League of Cities provides other great networking and educational opportunities at the national level. The National League is active in lobbying the United States Congress and the White House. Under National League policy, a city can only belong to the National League if they also belong to the State League. Additionally, the Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities provides many linkages to the National League of Cities, including exercising appointment authority for many National League committees. Cooperation on Common Issues The League was first organized in the 1940’s by a group of Mayors who desired a vehicle through which to coordinate and cooperate on common issues. This remains a principle part of the League’s mission today. Representation on/Appointment to Statewide Committees Under statute or by direct appointment, the League’s Executive Director represents municipalities on a host of statewide boards and committees, including service to the Nevada Department of Transportation, the Nevada Department of Business & Industry, the Nevada Secretary of State, the Nevada Department of Public Safety, and the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Additionally, the League appoints representatives to many boards and committees including the Committee on Local Government Finance, the Nevada Prosecuting Attorneys Committee, the Nevada Rural Housing Authority, the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Committee, and the Nevada Committee on Nuclear Projects.
Analysis: The City Council discussed city memberships at the April 9, 2012 meeting and approved membership in the National League of Cities and the Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities at that time. This agenda item is presented for the council to authorize the City Manager to pay these memberships for fiscal year 2012-13.
Alternatives: It is recommended that the Council appoint an elected official to serve on the Board of Directors of the Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities until December, 2012 when the Council discusses their participation on all boards and committees. As an alternative, the Council could appoint an elected official to serve until December, 2014 immediately following the next municipal election.
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the City Manager to pay the membership in the National League of Cities and the Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities for fiscal year 2012-13 and to appoint ________ to serve on the Board of Directors.