Sparks Redevelopment Agency Meeting 1/27/2020 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 27, 2020 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Business Items: 6.3

Fund: R/A Revolving Account: 604060 Program: Unplanned - Avenue of the Oaks Realignment (20-3401C) Amount: $90,900.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: This project was not in the FY20 CIP and therefore was not included in the FY20 budget. Funds are available; however, a resolution in support of a budget augmentation will be brought before the Redevelopment Agency at a future meeting to cover these costs. |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Silverwing Development has been building multi-family housing in downtown Victorian Square since 2015. Two projects (Fountain House and The Bridges) have been completed with two currently under construction (The Deco and Atrium). The developer is contemplating two new mixed-use buildings in the Victorian Plaza area. The footprint of the two structures and additional usable public space would require a portion of Avenue of the Oaks to be realigned. Staff has received a proposal from Christy Corporation to prepare construction documents. The fee associated with the proposal is $90,900. Staff has reviewed the scope and fee and recommends that the Redevelopment Agency approve the professional service contract.
In 2014, the city was approached by Silverwing Development to embark on the redevelopment of Victorian Square. The first development agreement for Fountain House, a 236-unit multi-family project, was approved in 2015 with the first phase starting construction later that year. The first phase was completed in 2017. Since then three additional projects have been approved. The first being The Bridges, 194 units, completed in the first quarter of 2019. Two additional projects, The Deco and Atrium, are currently under construction with 209-units and 132-units, respectively. The anticipated completion date for both projects is in the third quarter of 2020.
Silverwing Development is now planning two multi-family projects within the plaza area, which is located to the south of Avenue of the Oaks, to the north of Victorian Avenue, and east of the first phase of Fountain House. The two proposed multi-story projects would consist of a lower level of retail and parking, three (3) additional levels of structured parking, and seven (7) levels of multi-family product with a total, for both buildings, of approximately 200-units. The floor plate, or the limits of the required area to accommodate the ground floor of retail and parking structure, will involve combining the existing parcels owned by Silverwing and expanding the overall parcel area by abandoning portions of city right-of-way. To allow for the expanded floor plate and useable area for the general public in the existing plaza space, between the two proposed buildings, a portion of Avenue of the Oaks will need to be realigned. The realignment will require the removal of the existing fountain on the north side of Avenue of the Oaks along with grading and utility relocations. It is anticipated that the realignment of Avenue of the Oaks will be completed prior to breaking ground on the proposed mixed-use projects.
Community Services staff reached out to the civil design firm Christy Corporation to provide a detailed scope of services for the preparation of construction drawings for the realignment of Avenue of the Oaks. Christy Corp has worked closely on all the projects Silverwing has developed in Victorian Square. They are very familiar with the challenges facing the realignment, such as utility relocations.
The design services for the realignment includes: time for coordination with city staff, a topographic survey of the area affected, utility research, sub-surface geotechnical investigation, engineering construction documents (civil, landscape, electrical), and support during the bidding process. It is anticipated the construction drawing package will be completed within ten to 12 weeks after issuance of a purchase order. The fee for the associated tasks is $90,900. Staff agrees with the attached proposal from Christy Corporation.
- The Redevelopment Agency could approve the professional service contract.
- The Redevelopment Agency could reject the professional service contract and provide direction to the Chief Administrative Officer.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve professional service contract (SRA-AC-319) with Christy Corporation for the preparation of construction drawings for the realignment of a portion of Avenue of the Oaks south of the Victorian Square movie theater in an amount not to exceed $90,900
Attached Files: