Sparks Redevelopment Agency Meeting 1/27/2020 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 27, 2020 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Business Items: 6.4

Fund: R/A Revolving Account: 604060 Program: Unplanned - Vic Sq Garage Parking Stall Level Counting Equip and Software (20-3401B) Amount: $119,493.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: This project was not in the FY20 CIP and therefore was not included in the FY20 budget. Funds are available; however, a resolution in support of a budget augmentation will be brought before the Redevelopment Agency at a future meeting to cover these costs. |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
To better serve the new businesses and patrons visiting the Victorian Square area, staff researched how to communicate the parking availability in the Victorian Square parking structure. Parking stall availability vendors were asked to submit their system capabilities as it related to criteria established by the city. Q-Free Parking Solutions submitted a proposal that meets the needs of the city by providing external and internal signage indicating stall availability. The amount of spaces available will also be published online, and additionally on a mobile app. The fee associated with the proposal is $119,493. Staff has reviewed the scope and fee and recommends that the Redevelopment Agency approve the purchase.
As Victorian Square continues to evolve with new development, drawing patrons to downtown is crucial for the success of the new businesses in the area. The first step in accomplishing this is increase the utilization of existing public parking. It has been mentioned by new business owners and visitors alike that the Victorian Square parking structure is difficult to locate. It is also important to note that during special events, such as the Fourth of July Celebration, Rib Cook-off and Hot August Nights, there is no easy way to know when the garage is full.
To alleviate these issues, Community Services staff researched parking stall counting equipment and software.
While computer hardware and software are generally exempt from bidding requirements under NRS 332.115, staff surveyed the marketplace for a solution that would be best suited to our unique property and needs. Staff established criteria for evaluating parking stall counting systems that included: a web-based interface system for ease of operation and maintenance, and smart phone and web applications to allow a garage user to know the number of available parking stalls by floor or when the garage is full. Another feature staff considered was signage indicating the number of parking stalls available on each floor that could be installed at the north and south entrances and on individual floors of the garage.
Staff is recommending a system that would be supplied and installed by Q-Free Parking Solutions. In a Q-Free Level Counting installation, vehicles are monitored by overhead mounted sensors at different points of transition (entry/exits and level ramps.) These sensors are suspended from ceilings at the counting points with threaded rod. Ultrasonic beams are configured to identify the profile of a vehicle and track the direction of travel (in-bound or out-bound). This calibration prevents the system from being “tricked” by pedestrians, carts, debris, bicycles, etc. The intelligence of the system allows for the tracking of wrong way traffic, meaning a vehicle entering through an exit would be a “wrong way” count and automatically corrected in the software. These sensors can also easily be moved should traffic patterns change.
This type of system has been deployed in some of the most highly sensitive government sites, as well as shopping centers, and employee facilities around the world. To enhance the system design, user-friendly intelligent signs are placed at key decision points so drivers can see how many spaces are available as they enter the garage and as they travel through the garage. The number of spaces available will also be published online, and additionally on a mobile app.
The Q-Free Parking Solutions system, with installations in 22 countries and over 350 systems, has met all the criteria established by staff.
- The Redevelopment Agency could approve the purchase.
- The Redevelopment Agency could reject the purchase and provide direction to the Chief Administrative Officer.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the purchase of parking stall counting equipment and software from Q-Free Parking Solutions, including installation, for the Victorian Square Parking Structure in the amount of $119,493.
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