Sparks City Council Meeting 10/28/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 28, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.5

Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund Account: 604150 Program: Sewer Line Special Assessment (20-6583) Amount: $49,650.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Staff recommends approval of a contract with Atkins for Phase 2 of the Sanitary Sewer Masterplan update. Phase 1 included reviewing and updating per-capita sanitary sewer generation rates and land use forecasts. The scope of Phase 2 includes a full update to the land-use based sewer model and the recommended priority Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) project list. This update is necessary due to the scale and speed of development within the last five years. The Phase 2 contract amount of $49,650 will bring the aggregate amount of the project to $82,320.
The City of Sparks sanitary sewer master plan was developed in 2005 to provide a data driven, model-based approach for analyzing the capacity of the sewer collection system and providing a means of planning capacity improvement projects for the future. The master plan is comprised of per-capita sewer generation rates, a land-use based sewer system model supported by GIS mapping, and recommended sewer capital improvement projects based on capacity deficient areas of the system in the existing condition as well as the predicted buildout condition. The master plan was updated in 2016 to reflect the increase in post-recession development. The update resulted in prioritization of the El Rancho Drive and Tyler Way / 18th Street sanitary sewer CIP projects, among others.
An update to the Sanitary Sewer Masterplan was approved in the FY 19 CIP. Phase 1 included reviewing per-capita sewer generation rate changes, based on TMWA water use data, and land use assumptions. The City contracted with Atkins in March of 2019 for the update. The scope of Phase 2 includes updating the land-use based model and the recommended priority CIP list. The overall update to the sanitary sewer model is driven by the scale of development within the City of Sparks over the last five years.
Atkins North America developed the Sanitary Sewer Masterplan in 2005 and performed the update in 2016. Their expertise in sanitary sewer and stormwater modeling combined with their institutional knowledge of the City’s sewer collection system made them the choice vendor to perform the 2019 update. The Phase 1 contract amount was $32,670. The proposal amount for Phase 2 is $49,650, which if approved, will result in the aggregate contract amount of $82,320. The overall project amount for Phase 1 and 2 exceeds $50,000, therefore Phase 2 is being presented to council for consideration.
1. City Council could approve the contract as outlined by Staff.
2. City Council could reject the contract and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the contract (AC-5619) for Phase 2 of the Sanitary Sewer Masterplan update, with Atkins North America, in the amount of $49,650.
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