Sparks City Council Meeting 3/26/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 26, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.6
Title: Consideration and possible approval of the purchase of 800 MHz radio equipment from Dailey & Wells Communications in the amount of $339,409.33.
Petitioner/Presenter: Tom Garrison, Administrative Division Chief/Presenter: Jake Conely, Captain
Recommendation: Recommend to approve the purchase of 800 MHz radio equipment from Dailey & Wells Communications in the amount of $339,409.33.
Financial Impact: Approval of the motion requires an applicant grant match of $67,882. This grant was unanticipated at the time the FY12 budget was filed. While only $19k remains in the grant match budget, we will manage to the total FY12 budget and cover the match with cost savings throughout the General Fund.
Total Costs: $67,882.00

Fund: Sparks Grants & Donations Fund Account: 407120 Program: 2011 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (101010) Amount: $67,882.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: The Fire Department is seeking approval to purchase portable, mobile, and base-station radio equipment to replace current obsolete and irreparable radio equipment. Funding for this purchase is provided through the award of a 2011 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighter Grant. The total grant amount was $504,739, with a 20% ($100,947) applicant grant match. This agenda item covers purchase of the 800 MHz radio equipment portion of the grant. The purchase amount is $339,409.33 with the applicant match amount of $67,882.
Background: In 2010 the Fire Department applied for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant through the Department of Homeland Security. This application was in response to a recognized problem with the department’s current radio inventory which was becoming obsolete and irreparable. The AFG grant was awarded on 12/23/11 and approved by City Council on 1/9/2012. Total grant amount was $504,739, with 80% of the award ($403,792) funded by the Department of Homeland Security and 20% of the award ($100,947) being the applicant grant match. This agenda item outlines a request to purchase the 800 MHz radio equipment portion of the grant. This consists of portable, mobile, and base station radios in the amount of $339,409.33 (see attached Harris Dailey-Wells Quote 3-9-12 for specific equipment details). The applicant match is $67,882. This equipment insures interoperable communications between SFD and all public safety agencies in the immediate region, as well as statewide and into surrounding states.
Analysis: Since October 7, 1999, the City of Sparks has been a member of a regional 800 MHz radio system, the WCRCS – Washoe County Regional Communication System (refer to Agreement #A2612 – Sparks City Clerk’s Office). This in an EDACS (Enhanced Digital Access Communications System) provided by the Harris Communications. This is a proprietary system representing a patent, copyright, or secret process owned by Harris Communications. For all portable, mobile, and base-station radios to inter-operate with the County’s ECACS network, they must utilize the same proprietary protocols. Per this agreement, section 15 - Purchase of WCRCS Compatible Equipment: 15.1 – Each participating agency agrees to meet WCRCS 800 MHz radio specifications, including brands and models when appropriate, for associated equipment used to interconnect to the WCRCS as defined within Request for Proposal No. 2063-98, Regional 800 MHz Trunked Radio System, issued by Washoe County on February 11, 1998. 15.2 – Participating agencies agree to comply with the specifications of radio system related equipment orders as defined within Request for Proposal No. 2063-98, Regional 800 MHz Trunked Radio System, issued by Washoe County on February 11, 1998. 15.3 – Associated equipment may be purchased through the County of Washoe to insure compatibility and favored pricing. Because this is a proprietary system, and per the referred inter-local agreement requirements, the City of Sparks procurement and RFP procedures are not applicable. This is allowed per NRS 338.115, subsection 3 and 4, which allows for the addition of equipment to an existing system of equipment that “by reason of the training of the personnel or of an inventory of replacement parts maintained by the local government is compatible with existing equipment.” Currently Dailey & Wells Communications is the only manufacturer’s representative assigned by Harris Communications to sell EDACS equipment to participants in the county’s EDACS network (see attached document DWC Sole Source Washoe). Participants are given a contractually agreed upon discount of at least 25% for all purchases of Harris Communication equipment for use with the proprietary EDACS 800 MHz regional communication system.
Alternatives: 1. Council can reject the purchase on the grounds that sufficient funding is not currently available in the matching funds account 407120-101010, or based on inadequate justification to use a sole source provider for this purchase. 2. Council can accept the recommendation.
Recommended Motion: Recommend to approve the purchase of 800 MHz radio equipment from Dailey & Wells Communications in the amount of $339,409.33.
Attached Files: