Sparks City Council Meeting 5/28/2019 2:00:00 PM
Tuesday, May 28, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.3
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Approval of this agenda item will serve as a formal commitment by the City of Sparks for funding the operation of the Community Triage Center (CTC) located on the campus for the homeless in downtown Reno (i.e., the Community Assistance Center). The CTC will serve chronically inebriated and/or mentally ill individuals as well as adults who do not have access to health care or emergency medical services based on their homeless and/or indigent status. $87,000 from the general fund is included in the FY20 City Manager’s budget recommendations.
In 2005, the Nevada Legislature approved AB 175 which called for creation of a centrally located drop-off triage center in Washoe County for mentally ill persons and chronic inebriates. The legislation stipulates that the State of Nevada will provide one third of the funding (up to $500,000 annually) and the remaining two thirds to be provided by local governments and hospitals.
In 2008, the Community Triage Center (CTC) opened on the campus of the Community Assistance Center in downtown Reno and was continually operated by WestCare Nevada, Inc. (WestCare) until April 2018 when WestCare vacated with no advanced notice to the community. This exit has resulted in a gap in behavioral health services within our community.
In August 2018, the City of Reno posted a request for qualifications (RFQ) seeking a qualified contractor to operate the CTC. In October 2018, an RFQ review panel interviewed two respondents: Reno Behavioral Healthcare Hospital and Well Care. Each respondent was scored by the review panel and Well Care was selected as the top respondent.
On April 12, 2018 a meeting to discuss a funding agreement was hosted by the City of Reno. The meeting was attended by representatives from City of Sparks, City of Reno, Washoe County, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Saint Mary’s, Renown, Well Care, Volunteers of America, and REMSA. The terms and conditions of a funding agreement were discussed by the parties, but no agreement was reached.
The Sparks City Manager has included $87,000 from the general fund to support the CTC in his fiscal year 2020 budget recommendations to the City Council. This amount of funding is consistent with the funding included in the 2015 CTC funding agreement approved by Sparks City Council on June 22, 2015 (AC-5153, attached for reference). Approval of this agenda item will serve as a formal commitment by the City of Sparks for funding the operation of the CTC for fiscal year 2020.
- City Council may approve funding for the operation of the Community Triage Center for Fiscal Year 2020.
- City Council may choose to not commit funding for the operation of the Community Triage Center for Fiscal year 2020 and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve funding for the operation of the Community Triage Center for fiscal year 2020 in the amount of $87,000.
Attached Files: