Sparks City Council Meeting 1/14/2019 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, January 14, 2019 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV

General Business: 9.2

Title: Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the reappointment and reorganization of four (4) 2-year term appointments to the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee for the City of Sparks from the following pool of applicants, listed in alphabetical order: Stephanie Farias; Eileen Gay; Melissa Melero-Moose; and Sara Toney.
Petitioner/Presenter: Stephen W. Driscoll, ICMA-CM/Stephen W. Driscoll, ICMA-CM
Recommendation: That the Council confirm the reappointment and reorganization of the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee.
Financial Impact: None.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Committee appointments.


The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee was established on June 13, 2016 by way of Resolution No. 3296 and will act in a formal structure and offer advice to the Sparks City Council on art and cultural activities in Sparks.  The primary objective of the ACAC will be to provide a plan and guidance for all arts and culturally-related activities on public property or projects utilizing city resources.  Other objectives may include: create mission statement; identify funding; develop plan; identify partners; develop temporary public art program; and seek out small manageable self-funded projects.

An important element of this program will be to differentiate the City of Sparks from other cities and their art programs.  The program should identify and celebrate the uniqueness of Sparks by blending our historical and industrial sides with our love of family and community-oriented events.


Appointments to this committee need to be adjusted to reflect the recent change adopted by Resolution No. 3338 on July 23, 2018, wherein terms need to be reappointed and staggered.

Per the resolution, the changes are as follows:

Stephanie Farias (current term ended 11/06/18) + 2 years - 11/06/2020;

Sarah Toney (current term ended 11/06/2018) +1 year = 11/06/2019;

Eileen Gay (current term ended 11/06/2018) + 2 years = 11/06/2020;

Melissa Melero-Moose (current term ended 11/06/2018) + 1 year = 11/06/2019.





The council could give other direction.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the recommended reappointments and reorganization of the Sparks Arts and Culture Advisory Committee.

Attached Files:
     Resolution No. 3338.pdf
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