Sparks City Council Meeting 9/10/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.3
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a request to approve a tentative map for a subdivision consisting of one village with a total of 310 single-family lots. The tentative map proposes a gated community with private streets and a community center. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed tentative map on August 2, 2018 and recommends its approval by the City Council. There is a companion agenda item to review and approve an amendment to the Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook to allow private streets. Consideration of this tentative map needs to occur after the public hearing for, and action on, the proposed handbook amendment. The tentative map may only be approved if the handbook amendment is approved.
The Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook covers 67.56 acres located at the future southeast corner of Kiley Parkway and Lazy Five Parkway. (Refer to Exhibit 2 – Vicinity Map) The site is designated on the Kiley Ranch North Master Plan as LMR (Low-Medium Residential), which permits a density of 4.0 to 7.9 dwelling units per acre. The City’s Comprehensive Plan land use designation is LDR (Low Density Residential) which permits a density of 3 to 6 dwelling units per acre. The gross density for the proposed tentative map is 4.6 dwelling units per acre, which complies with both the Phase 7 Final Development Handbook and the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
The City Council initially approved the Phase 7 Final Development Handbook on January 8, 2018. On May 14, 2018, the City Council approved an amendment to correct Figure 2-3 Phase 7 Circulation Plan on page 2-9. The correction delineates Wingfield Hills Road as a collector to be constructed to the eastern boundary of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development with the development of Phase 7. The amended handbook was recorded on May 16, 2018.
Another amendment to the Phase 7 Final Development Handbook is being processed as a separate agenda item. The amendment is to allow for a gated community with private streets and entrance gates. This tentative map request may only be approved if the handbook amendment is approved.
A previous tentative map for Village 9, which encompasses the entire area covered by the Phase 7 Final Development Handbook, was approved by City Council on March 12, 2018 with 20 Conditions of Approval. That tentative map was for a 344-lot single-family residential subdivision. This proposed tentative map request is for a gated community with private streets and 310 lots plus 12 common area parcels. With this proposed tentative map, some lots were made larger and a community center building was added, resulting in the lower lot count. The subdivision street network is similar to the previously approved tentative map. If approved, this new map would supersede the tentative map approved on March 12, 2018.
The applicant is requesting a tentative map consisting of one village located within Phase 7 of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. The total number of lots proposed is 310. (Refer to Exhibit 3 – Tentative Map) The proposed phasing consists of three sub-villages. Village 9A is proposed to have 63 lots. Village 9B is proposed to be developed in two sub-phases with a total of 148 lots. Village 9C is proposed to be developed in two sub-phases with a total of 99 lots. The minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet with the largest lot measuring 14,421 square feet. The average lot size is 6,235 square feet. The gross density is 4.6 dwelling units per acre. Anticipated phasing is from south to north and west to east. The master developer is planning to provide a private clubhouse facility for the residents of Village 9 on Parcel B1.
The master developer is proposing to restrict public access to Village 9 by adding entrance gates at Granary Park Avenue, Dappled Way and Hoot Owl Way. Since the internal streets of Village 9 will not be accessible to the general public, they must be privately-owned and maintained. June Bug Drive will be gated as an emergency access only (Condition 21). The design of the gated streets must still comply with the design standards in the Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook. Ownership and maintenance of the utilities and common areas will have to be specified on the final map.
A sub-association of the homeowner’s association for Kiley Ranch North will be formed for maintenance of the private streets, the utilities within these streets and recreational amenities. The City of Sparks will be responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalks along Kiley Parkway, Wingfield Hills Road and Windmill Farms Road, the regional trail along the eastern portion of the property and sanitary sewer facilities. The Kiley Landscape Maintenance Association will maintain all landscape and common areas exterior to Village 9. All storm drain facilities within public right-of-way or receiving/conveying storm water from a public right-of-way will be maintained by the City of Sparks. Storm drain facilities not receiving/conveying storm water from public right-of-way will be maintained by the sub-association. (Condition 11)
As part of the final map submittal, the master developer must provide the City a report estimating the costs to maintain, repair, replace or restore all privately-owned streets, sidewalks and utilities serving or located within Village 9 for a period of at least 30 years. The report must include: (a) an estimate of the total annual assessment to be imposed on homeowners necessary to cover the cost of maintaining, repairing, replacing or restoring the privately-owned streets, sidewalks or utilities; and, (b) a plan to provide adequate funding. The report must be approved by the City prior to recordation of any final maps and must be completed by a person who holds a permit issued pursuant to NRS Chapter 116A. (Condition 22)
The primary access to the proposed subdivision is via roads that intersect with Kiley Parkway, Windmill Farm Parkway, and Wingfield Hills Road. The proposed road network conforms to the approved Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook. These roads are designed to handle traffic generated by this project. The applicant provided a queuing analysis prepared by a traffic engineer to address the stacking of vehicles in the afternoon at the entrance gates. (Exhibit 4 – Traffic Queuing Letter) The traffic engineer recommends that the gates remain open between 4 pm to 6 pm to avoid queuing onto the surrounding streets. This recommendation has been added to the Phase 7 Final Development Handbook for Kiley Ranch North because it is staff’s view that Conditions of Approval for a tentative map must be satisfied with the final map and should not be operational conditions.
Tentative Map Findings
The request conforms to the Master Plan and zoning ordinances.
The Land Use Plan Goals and Policies that are relevant to this proposal include:
C4: Require sidewalks for pedestrian on all street networks within the City.
CF1: When reviewing new development, the City will not approve an application unless City services can be provided at acceptable service levels.
CC8: Foster neighborhood diversity and design by permitting varied lot sizes, building materials, building styles and color.
H1: Ensure there are sufficient appropriately zoned areas with the infrastructure, public facilities and services necessary for the production of new housing.
H2: Promote a variety of housing types throughout Sparks, including within mixed-used settings, to expand the choices available to meet the financial and lifestyle needs of a diverse population and workforce.
The Kiley Ranch North Planned Development Master Plan has been adopted as part of the Sparks Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The gross density for the proposed tentative map is 4.6 dwelling units per acre. This complies with both the Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook and the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The proposed tentative map is for a single-family development with lots ranging in size from 5,000 square feet to 14,421 square feet. The street cross sections and tentative map plans show sidewalks on both sides of all the streets, complying with Policy C4. The infrastructure and utilities are currently located to the southwest of the property and the infrastructure modeling has included development of Village 9 as single-family subdivision, which complies with Policy CF1 and supports policy H1. Home designs will be reviewed and approved by staff as part of the review for the final map. The proposed subdivision is planned to be a gated community, providing another housing option in the Kiley Ranch North planned development, advancing Policies CC8 and H2
General conformity with the City's master plan of streets and highways has been considered.
The tentative map incorporates the street designs shown in the Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook. The project requires extension of Kiley Ranch Parkway and Wingfield Hills Road to access the project area.
Environmental and health laws and regulations concerning water and air pollution, the disposal of solid waste, facilities to supply water, community or public sewage disposal and, where applicable, individual systems for sewage disposal were considered.
This application was distributed to the various agencies that provide basic services and administrate environmental and health laws. The developer shall comply with the requirements of these agencies. (Condition 4)
The availability of water which meets applicable health standards and is sufficient in quantity for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the subdivision has been considered.
The developer has estimated the water requirement for the development at 109.5 acre-feet per year for domestic water. The water rights needed to serve the project are in place or will be dedicated with the final map. (Condition 6)
The availability and accessibility of utilities has been considered.
The developer has estimated that sewage flows for the development will be 281,975 gallons per day. The applicant will be required to provide evidence that there is adequate sewer capacity to serve the project prior to the recordation of a final map. The storm water and drainage plan for the development shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering Division of the Community Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map for the project. (Conditions 14 and 8)
The availability and accessibility of public services such as schools, police protection, transportation, recreation and parks has been considered.
This area is currently zoned for Hall Elementary School, Shaw Middle School, and Spanish Springs High School. Based on calculations provided by the Washoe County School District, the project could generate approximately 113 students (70 elementary school students, 14 middle school students, and 29 high school students).
Hall Elementary School’s enrollment for 2017-2018 was at 92% of base capacity; adding 70 new students from Village 9 would increase enrollment to approximately 102% of the school’s base capacity. Shaw Middle School’s enrollment for 2017-2018 was at 89% of base capacity; adding 14 new students from Village 9 would increase enrollment to approximately 90% of the school’s base capacity. Enrollment during the 2017-2018 school year at Spanish Springs High School was at 109% of base capacity. The addition of 29 new students from Village 9 would increase this school’s enrollment to 111% of base capacity. The Washoe County School District’s comments to the City (Exhibit 5 – Agency Comments) note that the District is “undergoing measures to provide overcrowding relief to Spanish Springs High School.”
Law enforcement services will be provided by the Sparks Police Department.
The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) has reviewed this project and provided comments (Exhibit 5 – Agency Comments), which can be summarized as follows: RTC Ride does not serve this area; 2040 Regional Transportation Plan identifies Kiley Parkway and Lazy Five Parkway (future - Wingfield Hills Road) as an arterial with moderate-access control to maintain the policy Level of Service of D; and, the traffic study should be updated to address the new schools within the planned development.
The City has required the applicant to update the traffic analysis with their application to amend the Comprehensive Plan for the entire Kiley Ranch North planned development; the application has been submitted to the City but is not being processed in conjunction with this tentative map. This subdivision will contribute to the Regional Road Impact Fee program, a program designed to provide funding for roadway improvements to maintain an adopted level of service. With the development of the subdivision, Kiley Parkway will be extended north to the future Lazy Five Parkway. The developer will also have to extend Lazy Five Parkway from its current terminus at David Allen Parkway to the eastern boundary of the Kiley Ranch North. Both roads serve as collectors and will ultimately be four lanes.
Service will be provided by the Sparks Fire Department. At this time, the project site is located outside the 6-minute response time for the Sparks Fire Department. The City has an agreement with the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District for mutual aid to serve this area and so the houses will not be required to have fire sprinklers installed. The Sparks Fire Department requires two means of access to Village 9 prior to any combustible materials being placed on-site. This condition requires the construction of the Kiley and Wingfield Hills Roads. (Condition 12)
NV Energy will provide electrical services and Paiute Gas will provide natural gas service. Electric, telephone, and cable services will be extended underground within the roadway right-of-way to serve this development.
The effect of the proposed subdivision on existing public streets and the need for new streets or highways to serve the subdivision has been considered.
The traffic analysis submitted with the application for this subdivision estimates that the project will generate 3,008 average daily trips with an AM peak hour of 237 trips and a PM peak hour of 316 trips. Traffic impacts from this project have been considered with the review and approval of the Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook. This tentative map does not change the traffic patterns or generate increased trips in excess of the planned capacity of the surrounding streets. As part of the application, a queuing analysis (Exhibit 4 – Traffic Queuing Letter) for entry through the gates into Village 9 was prepared by the traffic engineer for the project, as discussed in greater detail in the Analysis section above.
The physical characteristics of the land such as flood plain, slope and soil has been considered.
The majority of the property is located within Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Zone X. Approximately 8 acres, located on the east side of the tentative map area, are within FEMA Zone A. The applicant is proposing to file a LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) with FEMA to use fill to raise the lots in this area out of Zone A, which was also done in Kiley Ranch North Village 37 to the south. Based on the Preliminary Hydrology Report submitted with the tentative map, the project will not be adversely affected by the floodplain, nor will it affect properties downstream. The proposed development has been designed in accordance with the appropriate standards and is in compliance with previous studies. The developer is required to submit a final hydrological report for the project in conformance with the City’s draft Hydrological Criteria and Drainage Design Manual (HCDDM) for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to recordation of a final map for Village 9. (Condition 9)
The project does not meet the thresholds of the City’s Hillside Development Ordinance as the site is relatively flat with slopes of less than 5% over the entire site.
A final geotechnical report will be required prior to the issuance of any building permit. Any recommendations from that report shall be incorporated into design for the building permits. (Condition 13)
The recommendations and comments of those entities reviewing the tentative map pursuant to NRS 278.330 to 278.348, inclusive, have been considered.
The City has received comment letters from the following agencies, which are attached to this staff report (Exhibit 5 – Agency Comments):
- Washoe County School District
- Washoe County Health District
- Washoe County Regional Transportation Commission
These agencies’ comments and recommendations are addressed in this staff report and/or in the Conditions of Approval.
The availability and accessibility of fire protection, including, but not limited to, the availability and accessibility of water and services for the prevention and containment of fires, including fires in wild lands has been considered.
Fire protection service will be provided by the Sparks Fire Department. Refer to comments above under Finding T6.
The application, as submitted and conditioned, will address identified impacts.
This section identifies project-specific issues not discussed above such as:
The Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook regulates the overall development of the subdivision, including landscaping for the entrances to the villages, fencing, and lighting. The tentative map includes conceptual plans for the common areas, pedestrian access, and landscaping along the streets. Common areas along the surrounding public streets will be maintained by the Landscape Maintenance Association. Common areas (12 common area parcels are proposed) within the subdivision will be maintained by a sub-association of the Kiley Ranch North homeowner’s association. The tentative map includes links to the regional trail, which will be located on the eastern side of the site. A condition of the tentative map requires that final landscape plans be submitted with the final map and approved prior to recordation of the final map. (Condition 10)
Village 9 is comprised exclusively of single family homes. The applicant is proposing homes ranging in size from 1,200 square feet to 3,000 square feet. The architecture must comply with the Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Final Development Handbook. Architectural elevations must be approved by City staff prior to the recordation of the final map. (Condition 7)
Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes.
Public notice for tentative maps is accomplished through the posting of the agenda for a public meeting. Neither the Sparks Municipal Code nor Nevada Revised Statutes require a public hearing for a tentative map.
- The City Council can approve the 310-lot tentative map and the 22 Conditions of Approval.
- The City Council can approve the 310-lot tentative map with additional or different Conditions of Approval.
- The City Council can deny the 310-lot tentative map.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the tentative map for a 310-lot single-family residential subdivision within the Kiley Ranch North Phase 7 Planned Development (Village 9) on a site approximately 67.56 acres in size in the NUD (New Urban District-Kiley Ranch North) zoning district generally located east of Kiley Parkway, north of Windmill Farms Parkway and south of Lazy Five Parkway, Sparks, Nevada, adopting Findings T1 through T12 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approval 1 through 22 as listed in the staff report.
Attached Files: