Sparks City Council Meeting 9/10/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.4
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a request to approve a tentative map for a 39-lot single-family residential subdivision on a 5.38 acre parcel in the SF-6 zoning district located at 3550 and 3650 Wedekind Road.
This is an application for a tentative map for a subdivision located on the south side of Wedekind Road between El Rancho Drive and Sullivan Lane adjacent to the existing First Church of the Nazerene of Sparks (Refer to Exhibit 2 – Vicinity Map). The site consists of four parcels totaling approximately 5.38 acres in size.
On March 12, 2018, the Sparks City Council approved the annexation of a portion of this site and certified changing the Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning designations to allow for the proposed single-family development.
Three of the four existing parcels comprising the site contain single family residences (026-341-55, -51, and -13) and the fourth is the site of the church (026-341-55). Based on the applicant’s proposal, the three residential parcels will become the Wildcreek Meadows subdivision. The applicant is in negotiations to acquire a portion of the church property for the entrance to the subdivision off Garfield Road, a City street, at the southern boundary of the proposed subdivision. Currently, access to the project site is through an easement across the eastern edge of the church property. (Refer to Exhibit 3 – Tentative Map)
The proposed subdivision will include 39 single-family residential lots on 5.38 acres. It will incorporate a mix of lot sizes ranging from 3,290 to 8,045 square feet in size. Sparks Municipal Code Section 20.02.004 allows for small lot development in any single-family district, but the density permitted by the applicable zoning district does not change. In this case, the SF6 density permits a maximum of 7.3 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The proposed density of this project is 7.25 du/ac.
The project site has access from Garfield Road, east of El Rancho Drive and south of Wedekind Road. Water, sanitary sewer, and storm drain facilities are all available near this property on El Rancho and Wedekind (Findings T3-T5). Due to relatively low estimated demand for water, sanitary sewer, and storm drain, City staff anticipates there is adequate capacity to serve this development. Utility will-serve letters and final designs will be required prior to the approval of a final map for this development.
With the exception of the church, the properties surrounding the project site are single-family residences, which the Planning Commission determined are compatible with the proposed single-family development. The development standards associated with the SF6 zoning ensure diversity and flexibility in individual site layout and design (Findings T1 and T11).
City staff requested comments from public agencies in accordance with NRS 278.330 through 278.348. Agency responses have been incorporated into the findings and the proposed Conditions of Approval for this item. (Refer to Exhibit 4 – Agency Responses)
A fiscal analysis is not required for tentative map developments under 20 acres in size. Fiscal impact was considered at a portion of this site was annexed in March of 2018. The City Council should note that the primary access across the church property and the internal streets will be owned and maintained by the homeowner’s association for this subdivision.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the tentative map for this proposed 39-lot single-family residential subdivision, based on findings T1 through T12 and subject to the fourteen (14) Conditions of Approval attached to this staff report.
Tentative Map Findings
The request conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinances.
Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies that are relevant to this proposal include:
GOAL CF1: When reviewing new development, the City will not approve an application unless City services can be provided at acceptable service levels.
GOAL MG6: Promote compact development to reduce the per capita cost of providing infrastructure, public facilities and public services.
POLICY H1: Ensure there are sufficient appropriately zoned areas with the infrastructure, public facilities and services necessary for the production of new housing.
POLICY H2: Promote a variety of housing types throughout Sparks, including within mixed-use settings, to expand the choices available to meet the financial and lifestyle needs of a diverse population and workforce.
Policy CC8: Foster neighborhood diversity and design by permitting varied lot sizes, building materials, building styles, and color.
The Conditions of Approval attached to this staff report specify the infrastructure improvements that will make this proposed subdivision feasible, which is combination with the provision of public safety and other City services, enable compliance with Goal CF1. The Planning Commission determined that the proposed subdivision provides for the efficient development of an otherwise under-utilized parcel with public utilities in close proximity, supporting Goal MG6. The development of this subdivision will be consistent with the standards included in the zoning ordinance for SF6 properties, which allows for diversity in building styles and colors as well as flexibility in site design by allowing for combined front and rear setbacks, consistent with Policy CC8.
The Planning Commission also found that the proposed subdivision will advance policies H1 and H2 by permitting development of a mix of lot and home sizes, in addition to adding a denser subdivision than the existing low-density large lots that comprise the project site. The proposed subdivision will offer residents of Sparks greater housing choice, serving the needs of a diverse population.
General conformity with the City's master plan of streets and highways has been considered.
The tentative map does not deviate from the City’s master plan for streets and highways. It is located on existing streets to which no changes are proposed. Access to the project will be through a new, privately owned and maintained road off Garfield Road. The internal streets will be owned and maintained by the homeowner’s association for this subdivision.
Environmental and health laws and regulations concerning water and air pollution, the disposal of solid waste, facilities to supply water, community or public sewage disposal and, where applicable, individual systems for sewage disposal were considered.
This application was distributed to the agencies that provide basic services and administer environmental and health laws. Only the Washoe County School District and the Regional Transportation Commission provided comments. The developer will have to comply with the requirements of outside agencies with regulatory authority over tentative maps, including the Washoe County Health District, prior to recordation of a final map (Condition 5).
The availability of water which meets applicable health standards and is sufficient in quantity for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the subdivision has been considered.
The property will be served by the Truckee Meadows Water Authority. The applicant has estimated the water requirement for the development at 12.26 acre-feet per year for domestic water. The water rights needed to serve the project are in place or will be dedicated with the final map (Condition 5).
The availability and accessibility of utilities has been considered.
The applicant has estimated the sewage flows for the development to be 31,590 gallons per day. The applicant will be required to perform a study that provides evidence that there is adequate sewer capacity to serve the project prior to the recordation of a final map. Condition of Approval 9 stipulates that a final map cannot be recorded until the City of Sparks has improved the sewer Interceptor in Tyler Way as approved in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). (Condition 9) The developer will be responsible for the costs of extending a sewer line from the property to the Tyler Way interceptor. The storm water and drainage plan for the development shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the final map for the project (Condition 6).
The availability and accessibility of public services such as schools, police protection, transportation, recreation and parks has been considered.
This tentative map request was distributed to the Washoe County School District (WCSD) as required by NRS 278.346. The attached letter from the WCSD states that this area is currently zoned for Risley Elementary School, Sparks Middle School, and Hug High School. (Refer to Exhibit 4 – Agency Responses). Based on calculations provided by the WCSD, the project could generate approximately five (5) new students: 3 elementary school students, 1 middle school student, and 1 high school student.
As stated in the WCSD letter, Risley Elementary is at 82% of capacity, Sparks Middle School is at 90% of its capacity and Hug High School is at 90% of capacity. This project will not cause any of these schools to exceed their capacity.
The Sparks Police Department is already the primary law enforcement agency serving this location and would continue to serve the site after development.
The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) provided comments on this project. (Refer to Exhibit 4 – Agency Responses). The applicant shall comply with the RTC’s written comments before recordation of a final map.
The applicant has stated that the subdivision will generate “less than 80” peak hour trips. As discussed further in Finding T7 below, staff concurs with that estimate. The City requires a traffic impact analysis at 80 peak hour trips. As such, the development application will not trigger the need for a traffic impact analysis.
The Sparks Fire Department is already the primary local fire protection and emergency medical response agency for this location. The site complies with Sparks Fire Department’s six-minute response time standard.
NV Energy will provide electric and natural gas services. Electric, telephone, and cable services will be extended underground within the roadway right-of-way to serve this development.
The effect of the proposed subdivision on existing public streets and the need for new streets or highways to serve the subdivision has been considered.
The applicant has stated that the project will generate less than 80 peak hour trips. The Transportation Manager for the City of Sparks has reviewed their analysis, agrees with their methodology, and believes their findings to be generally acceptable. The Transportation Manager anticipates this volume of new traffic can be served by the existing road network without additional mitigation measures, though general improvements will be necessary as part of any final map for this project.
Access to the proposed subdivision is from Garfield Drive via what is currently an easement across the First Church of the Nazarene property. The applicant intends to purchase and incorporate the easement area into the subdivision. The access road and the subdivision’s internal streets will be privately owned and maintained.
The physical characteristics of the land such as floodplain, slope and soil have been considered.
The subject properties are located within FEMA Zone X. A final hydrological report in compliance with Truckee Meadows Regional Drainage Manual must be provided prior to recordation of a final map (Condition 7).
The applicant performed a slope analysis that concludes that the grade of the parcels does not exceed the limitations for hillside development set forth in SMC 20.04.011.
A final geotechnical report will be required prior to the issuance of any building permits. Any recommendations from that report must be incorporated into the building permits to accommodate soil conditions (Condition 10).
The recommendations and comments of those entities reviewing the tentative map pursuant to NRS 278.330 to 278.348, inclusive, have been considered.
The City has received comment letters from the Regional Transportation Commission and Washoe County School District. (Refer to Exhibit 3 – Agency Responses) These agencies’ comments and recommendations are discussed in previous sections of this staff report and addressed in the proposed Conditions of Approval.
The availability and accessibility of fire protection, including, but not limited to, the availability and accessibility of water and services for the prevention and containment of fires, including fires in wild lands has been considered.
The Sparks Fire Department is the primary local fire protection agency for this location. Water service and fire hydrants will be installed with construction of the proposed subdivision. The project site complies with the Sparks Fire Department’s six-minute response time standard.
The application, as submitted and conditioned, will address identified impacts.
This section identifies project-specific issues not discussed above:
This proposed subdivision will be required to meet the landscaping standards for residential developments specified in Title 20 of the Sparks Municipal Code. Proposed Condition of Approval 11 requires that final landscape plans be submitted with the final map and approved prior to recordation of the final map. Common areas will be reserved and deed-restricted pursuant to SMC 20.02.004, and maintained by a homeowner’s association.
This project consists of single-family homes. The architecture must comply with standards for single-family residential districts described in SMC 20.02.004. Architectural plans that demonstrate compliance with SMC 20.02.004 are required prior to approval of the final map.
Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes.
Public notice for tentative maps is accomplished through the posting of the agenda for a public meeting. Neither the Sparks Municipal Code nor Nevada Revised Statutes require a public hearing for a tentative map.
- The City Council can approve the 39-lot Tentative Map and the 14 Conditions of Approval.
- The City Council can approve the 39-lot Tentative Map with additional or different Conditions of Approval.
- The City Council can deny the 39-lot Tentative Map.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Tentative Map request for a 39-lot single-family residential subdivision on a site 5.38 acres in size in the SF6 (Single-Family Residential – 6,000 sq. ft. lots) zoning district located at 3550 and 3650 Wedekind Road, Sparks, Nevada, adopting Findings T1 through T12 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approval 1 through 14 as listed in the staff report.
Attached Files: