Sparks City Council Meeting 11/27/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, November 27, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.3
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This agenda item is a request to participate in an extension to the current agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital, which provides rehabilitation services to members covered by the City’s Group Health Plan. There is no cost to the City to participate in an agreement.
Tahoe-Pacific provides rehabilitation services through a stand-alone clinic inside Northern Nevada Medical Center. The current participation agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital will expire on December 31, 2017. This request will allow the City’s Group Health Plan to continue to utilize Tahoe-Pacific Hospital as an additional option to members utilizing rehabilitation services.
While this participation agreement is with Tahoe-Pacific, rehabilitation services will still be available through participating in-network provider hospitals – Renown and Tahoe Carson.
While there is no cost to the City to participate in this agreement, Tahoe-Pacific is increasing their established hospital rates by 1.8%. This is a competitve renewal rate over their established hospital rates in 2015.
A renewed participation agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital will allow the City to continue the current relationship with this facility, providing in-patient rehabilitation.
1. The Council may choose to approve a participation agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital for rehabilitation services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services.
2. The Council may choose not to approve a participation agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital for rehabilitation services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan.
3. The Council may choose not to approve a participation agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital for rehabilitation services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan, and direct the City Manager to provide alternatives to staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve to participate in an agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital to provide rehabilitation services to employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services.
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