Sparks City Council Meeting 11/27/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, November 27, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.4
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This agenda item is a request for approval to participate in a letter of agreement with the University of Utah, which will provide beneficial hospital services to employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan. There is no cost to the City for participating in the letter of agreement.
In recent years, the City self-insured group health plan has signed letters of agreement with various facilities throughout the United States to provide essential health services to members unable to receive the same care in Northern Nevada. This request will allow the City’s Group Health Plan to utilize the University of Utah and their Centers of Excellence. Employees, dependents and retirees on the City’s Group Health Plan, needing health options not available in Northern Nevada will have the University of Utah as an additional option for care.
The City, in partnership with NHP, was presented with this opportunity to participate in a letter of agreement with the University of Utah. NHP, the contracting arm of the Nevada Business Group on Health (NVBGH), is an organization of Nevada employers committed to containing health care costs. NHP provides access to high-quality health care benefits at a sustainable cost. Members of NHP, including the City of Sparks, are public and private sector self-insured employers who actively participate in medical and health care services contracts.
NHP made a recommendation to NVBGH members to participate in a no-cost letter of agreement with the University of Utah, allowing for additional health care services which may not be available in Northern Nevada. Renown, Carson-Tahoe Hospital and Northern Nevada Medical Center will remain the preferred in-network provider hospitals, but if the needed health services can’t be provided by a preferred in-network provider hospital, the Group Health Plan will have the ability to refer members to the University of Utah with pre-established, competitive rates as negotiated by NHP.
As a self-insured group health plan, city staff, with the assistance of NHP and the NVBGH, seeks out providers that can provide exceptional health care at competitive rates. Group Health Plan members on the City’s Group Health Plan, currently utilize preferred in-network hospitals. But, there are times when the same level of care, or the necessary treatment options are not available in our area.
This letter of agreement with the University of Utah will allow the City to establish a relationship providing access to health services that may not be available in Northern Nevada. Centers of Excellence include but are not limited to:
- Huntsman Cancer Institute providing cancer care, cancer research and clinical trials
- Cardiovascular Center providing specialists in cardiology, cardiothoracic and vascular surgery
- Neuropsychiatric Institute for behavioral and mental health therapy for adults and children
- Clinical Neurosciences Center for neurosurgery, neuroscience and neurovascular surgery, with a neurosurgery pediatric center
- Moran Eye Center offering access to more than 35 specialists treating a variety of eye conditions and diseases
Other services include but are not limited to women’s health services, back and spine services, orthopedics, and, skin care/skin disease.
1. The Council may choose to approve to participate in a letter of agreement with the University of Utah for hospital services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the letter of agreement for these services.
2. The Council may choose not to approve to participate in a letter of agreement with the University of Utah for hospital services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan.
3. The Council may choose not to approve to participate in a letter of agreement with the University of Utah for hospital services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan, and direct the City Manager to provide alternatives to staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve to participate in a letter of agreement with the University of Utah for hospital services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City’s Group Health Plan, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the letter of agreement for these services.
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