Sparks City Council Meeting 7/24/2017 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, July 24, 2017 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV

General Business: 9.1

Title: Presentation, discussion and possible approval of staffing complement changes needed to accommodate proposed staffing changes within the Community Services Department and the Financial Services Department.
Petitioner/Presenter: Stephen W. Driscoll, ICMA-CM, City Manager/Mindy Falk, Human Resources Manager and Jeffrey Cronk, CPA, Financial Services Director
Recommendation: The City Council approve the staffing complement changes to accommodate proposed staffing changes with the Community Services and Financial Services Departments.
Financial Impact: In fiscal year 2018, annualized estimated savings are $7,059 in the General Fund and $41,349 in the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) Fund. TMWRF savings will be shared between Reno and Sparks based on operating ownership (approximately 69% and 31% respectively).
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

The retirement of the Sr. Administrative Analyst at the Truckee Meadow Water Reclamation Facility has afforded the opportunity to evaluate accounting, budgeting, and financial analysis needs within the Community Services and Financial Services departments and to align resources to meet those needs.


During the recession, accounting, budgeting and financial analysis functions that were performed in the Community Services Department were brought into the Financial Services Department.  A similar analysis of needs was recently performed when the Sr. Administrative Analyst at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) retired.  The department heads met, reviewed the duties, and agreed it would be best if the accounting, budgeting, and analysis duties shifted to the Financial Services Department. 

The ability of the Financial Services Department to provide the operating, capital and budget functions for TMWRF is critical to meeting the needs of both departments.  As such, an additional Sr. Accountant position that can address the complexities of these functions as well as supervise other Finance staff members is requested within the Financial Services department, while the position of Sr. Administrative Analyst at TMWRF is proposed to be removed.

The proposed changes do not result in a net increase to the City’s staffing complement but rather shifts one existing position between from Community Services to Finance.



Complement Changes:

Community Services Department:

It is recommended that the vacant position created with the recent retirement of a Sr. Administrative Analyst at the TMWRF be removed from the complement.  Accounting, budgeting, and financial analysis duties will be transitioned to the Financial Services Department.                           

Current Complement- TMWRF

Proposed Complement-TMWRF

Sr. Administrative Analyst (1)


Financial Services Department:

It is recommended that an additional Sr. Accountant be added to the complement.  Currently the senior level accounting work for TMWRF is performed by the Budget Administrator. The addition of another Sr. Accountant would allow the Financial Services department to align department functional duties and address the complexities of TMWRF operating, capital and budget functions.  This will allow work teams to address projects as well as operations in a more efficient manner.  Funding is proposed to be 70% TMWRF Fund and 30% General Fund.


Current Complement

Proposed Complement

Sr. Accountant (1)

Sr. Accountant (2)

Budget Impact:

The complement changes, with the Sr. Accountant position funded at mid-range and the funding as proposed (70% TMWRF Fund, 30% General Fund) is expected to result in the following fiscal year 2018 budget impacts:


General Fund

Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility

Savings of $7,079

Savings of $41,349 shared between the cities of Reno and Sparks based on operating ownership splits, which are approximately 65% and 35% respectively.


The initial year of this change is anticipated to result in savings from the lower pay associated with filling positions that will become vacant due to internal promotions.  After five years, it is expected that these positions will reach the top of their pay range.  The Sr. Accountant top of range is ten percent higher than the Sr. Administrative Analyst top of range.  The higher pay is in accordance with the additional duties that will be will be performed such as the supervision of clerical, technical and professional personnel.


1.  Council could approve the staffing complement changes.

2.  Council could deny the staffing complement changes.

3.  Council could deny the staffing complement changes, but direct the City Manager to pursue another direction. 

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the staffing complement changes as proposed within the Community Services Department and the Financial Services Department.


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