Sparks City Council Meeting 12/12/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, December 12, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.7

Fund: Sparks Grants & Donations Fund Account: 603242 Program: Federal Drug Forfeitures CFDA 16.922 (091002) Amount: $15,000.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This agenda item is a professional services proposal between the City of Sparks (Sparks Police), the City of Reno (Reno Police) and Washoe County (Washoe County Sheriff's Office) to identify and recommend best practices for promoting effective crime reduction strategies while building trust throughout Washoe County. This is a continuation of efforts being made by regional law enforcement enhancing community trust and building legitimacy in local law enforcement. The Guinn Center was selected by a working group of law enforcement executives, local government officials and community leaders based on their reputation to remain neutral on statewide issues and presenting facts in a non-partisan and fair basis.
Though the Guinn Center will use the 59 recommendations from the President's Task Force on 21st Century policing as a baseline, the focus as developed by the working group will be: Human Resources/Personnel, Training/Institutional Culture, and Data Collection.
The Sparks Police will use drug forfeiture/seizure funds to pay for the study with no impact to the General Fund.
In December of 2014, President Obama convened a task force to review the status of law enforcement in America. The task force held multiple sessions focusing on six areas or pillars to include: Building Trust and Legitimacy, Policy and Oversight, Technology and Social Media, Community Policing and Crime Reduction, Officer Training and Education, and Officer Safety and Wellness. The task force's final report entitled "The Final Report of the President's task Force on 21st Century Policing" was released in May of 2015. The Task Force had 59 recommendations for local/state/federal law enforcement, communities and local/state/federal government. Approximately 39 of the recommendations focused on law enforcement. The Sparks Police has read and evaluated the recommendations in the final report. The Sparks Police have been following the recommendations, determined the recommendation don't or implemented strategies based on the recommendations as they applied to our local community.
In July of 2016, regional law enforcement, government officials and community leaders were invited by community leader Angie Taylor to participate in a small working group on the implementation of the Task Force's recommendations and continuing the efforts being made by local law enforcement to build trust and legitimacy in policing services. This request followed two controversial law enforcement shooting incidents nationwide involving minorities and the subsequent assassination of law enforcement officers in Dallas, TX and Baton Rogue, LA.
The purpose of the working group was to continue to build upon the efforts already being made by local law enforcement in building trust and legitimacy in the Truckee Meadows. The first of these informal meetings of the 21st Century Policing working group was August 2, 2016 and included then Councilwoman Ratti (Mayor Martini has also participated in the working group). The working group determined to focus on three areas (Human Resources/Personnel, Training/Institutional Culture, and Data Collection) and to have an outside firm complete the analysis. Several firms were presented to the group members and the group selected the Guinn Center for Policy Priorities based on their Nevada ties, previous work showing an impartiality to political pressures and their overall professionalism.
One of the core elements of a democracy is the concept of citizen guardians rather than a military force providing for the safety of the community. In the Untied States of America that role has been delegated to local law enforcement. Though the support for our local law enforcement is strong, over the course of the past several years, nation-wide events have eroded the trust placed in our local law enforcement, even though the events haven't taken place locally. The Sparks Police is committed to providing fair and impartial policing to all groups within our community.
The Sparks Police has had and continues to have great working relationships with our community members. The re-engagement of the Sparks Police with the community has been a priority over the past several years.
Participating in groups or committees such as the 21st Century working group, the Sparks Police continues to build relationships within our community. By having the Guinn Center complete this evaluation and make recommendations, local law enforcement is becoming more transparent and responsive to the community in which we serve.
The total cost as outlined in the proposal/contract is $45,000. It has been agreed upon by the local governments/departments to equally share the cost of the study at a total cost of $15,000 to the City of Sparks. The Sparks Police has allocated $15,000 of drug forfeiture/seizure funds to pay the City's portion, returning money obtained through the illicit narcotics trade back into our community.
The Guinn Center has agreed to invoice the three entities independently of each other. The Washoe County Sheriff has already agreed to the study and does not need Washoe County Commission approval. A companion item to this is set to be considered by Reno City Council on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.
The City Council could accept the professional services proposal as submitted.
The City Council could deny the professional services proposal and not participate in the review.
The City Council could direct staff otherwise.
Recommended Motion:
I move to accept the professional services proposal with the Guinn Center in the amount of $15,000 as presented by staff.
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