Sparks City Council Meeting 8/8/2016 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, August 8, 2016 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV

Consent Items: 8.4

Title: Consideration and possible approval to purchase PC’s, Networking Equipment, Printers and Storage not to exceed the Approved IT CIP hardware budget of $418,090 with Summit Partners LLC. or other vendors as needed from the NASPO ValuePoint Contract (formerly known as the Western States Contracting Alliance or WSCA) per the IT CIP as approved in the FY 2017 Budget.
Petitioner/Presenter: Steve Davidek/Steve Davidek
Recommendation: That the City Council approves purchasing IT related hardware and software through Summit Partners LLC not to exceed $418,090.00.
Financial Impact: The IT CIP FY17 hardware budget of 418,090.00. Budget will be managed by the IT Manager.
Total Costs: $314,827.79
Fund: Capital Projects    Account: 603445
Program: IT Hardware Replacement Plan (WIG) (080730)
Amount: $26,000.00    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Fund: Capital Projects    Account: 604070
Program: IT Hardware Replacement Plan (WIG) (080730)
Amount: $288,827.79    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Budget Correction Plan:
As approved in the FY 17 CIP hardware budget.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Consideration and possible agreement to allow the city to purchase PCs, Notebooks, Networking equipment, storage and other IT hardware systems as approved in the FY 2017 IT CIP hardware budget plan.


In the fall of 2013, Council requested that the Finance Director work with staff to inventory the city’s technology equipment and devise a plan to keep that equipment current.  In February 2014 a report on the “IT WIG” was presented to Council with a recommended plan on “catching up” and funding for the future.  In 2015, IT completed part two of the “IT WIG” to inventory major software systems.  A rolling 20-year plan was created to keep Major Systems enhanced, upgraded and updated.

As approved in the FY2017 budget, IT has a number of large projects including replacing a 6-year-old storage system with newer technology and double the storage space allowing IT to keep the city’s storage local and secure.


IT has been working with Summit Partners LLC for the past 6 years on a number of major IT projects including our main Data Center networking update, server replacement and virtualization of servers and desktops.  Their knowledge of our systems, network and programs allows IT to use their expertise to keep our systems at their peak performance.  IT has been working on plans for this year’s upgrades including major enhancements of the network at the Police Department, doubling our storage network capacity and creating a “mobile work place environment” at City Hall.

Summit Partners LLC has been a Value Added Reseller for Hewlett-Packard for many years and now works with both the new HP, Inc. for PC’s and printers; and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) for Servers, Storage and Networking, and other vendors on the NASPO contract price list.  Information Technology would like approval to purchase a majority of items through Summit Partners as a purchasing agent.  These items would include PC’s, Notebooks, Servers, Networking equipment, Storage and also to help manage our support contracts with HP, Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise and VMware.

IT will also work with other vendors for smaller projects as needed to accomplish the IT CIP projects as need arises.

Attached to this agenda item are copies of Quotes for 144 Terrabytes of storage (including replication between the two “arrays” at city hall and PD).  These storage arrays will be added to our exsiting "array's".  We’ve also included the quotes for printer replacement and a suggested Standard PC to purchase this year.

NRS Chapter 33.2 115(h) exempts computer hardware and software items from competitive bid. However, these purchases utilize the joinder provision allowed under NRS 332.195 and NASPO ValuePoint Contract (formerly known as the Western States Contracting Alliance or WSCA).

Summit Partners LLC has provided excellent service and support over the past 6 years. Staff recommends that the city authorize purchasing IT CIP FY 17 items from Summit Partners LLC as needed through the end of the fiscal year.


The City Council may choose to not approve purchasing from Summit Partners, LLC and provide further direction to staff.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the purchase of IT CIP FY 17 hardware and software through Summit Partners, LLC or other vendors not to exceed the IT CIP budget of $418,090.

Attached Files:
     AAAQ12856 - 070716 City Hall 3PAR 8200 72TB SAN.pdf
     AAAQ12857 - 070716 Remote Data Center 3PAR 8200 72TB SAN.pdf
     Standard FY17 PC.pdf
     standard FY17 laser printers.pdf
     standard FY17 blade server.pdf
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