Sparks City Council Meeting 10/24/2011 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 24, 2011 2:00 PMLegislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
Consent Items: 5.3
Title: Consideration and possible approval of a Professional Services Contract with Stantec Engineering to develop and design the Golden Eagle Little League fields in the amount of $83,242.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Community Development Director/Christopher S. Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Professional Services Contract with Stantec Engineering to develop and design the Golden Eagle Little League fields in the amount of $83,242.
Financial Impact: $1,200,000 in appropriations is contained in the 2011/2012 Capital Improvement Program for CIP 12-3502. The Professional Services Contract with Stantec Engineering to develop and design the two Little League fields will use Account 604020, Program 12-3502.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible approval of a Professional Services Contract with Stantec Engineering to develop and design the Golden Eagle Little League fields in the amount of $83,242. The proposal will provide for design of two additional Little League Fields located at Golden Eagle. Staff recommends approval.
Background: The City of Sparks previously constructed two Little League fields and mass graded for two additional Little League fields when Golden Eagle was completed in April of 2007. With funds available to design and construct the remaining two Little League fields, staff contacted Stantec Engineering for a proposal. Stantec Engineering was the Civil Engineering consultant on the original Golden Eagle project.
Analysis: The proposal is for the design of improvements for two additional Little League fields at Golden Eagle. The design will consists of additional sports lighting, scoreboards, synthetic turf, field fencing, and oversized dugouts that will allow for play by disabled youth. The proposal for professional services to be performed by Stantec Engineering to develop and design the two additional Little League fields is attached for the Councils review.
Alternatives: 1. City Council could award the proposal as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the proposal and provide direction to the City Manager. 3. City council could direct the City Manager to provide other alternatives to this proposal.
Recommended Motion: “I move to approve the Professional Services Contract with Stantec Engineering to develop and design the Golden Eagle Little League fields in the amount of $83,242.”
Attached Files: