Sparks City Council Meeting 10/10/2011 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 10, 2011 2:00 PMLegislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 7.2
Title: Public Hearing for reconsideration of Bill No. 2636, an ordinance redistricting the City Council Ward boundaries based on the 2010 United States Census.
Petitioner/Presenter: City of Sparks/Jim Rundle, Senior Planner
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve one of the two proposed ward boundary maps and adopt Bill# 2636, an ordinance redistricting the City Council ward boundaries based on the 2010 United States Census.
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: At the September 26, 2011 Sparks City Council meeting the City Council adopted a ward boundary map as illustrated in the staff report with a modification to move a neighborhood into Ward 4 from Ward 3. Staff has analyzed the adopted map and found that moving this neighborhood from ward 3 to ward 4 results in a difference of more that 5% between wards and therefore the ward boundaries must be redrawn. Two options are provided for the City Council to choose from.
Background: The 2010 United States decennial census is complete and information has been forwarded to state and local governments. With this census data, the City initiated the process of redistricting the five Sparks City Council wards. The ward boundaries were last redrawn in 2003 when the City's population was estimated at 78,435. The 2010 census determined the City of Sparks' population was 91,057. While growth occurred throughout the City of Sparks, the majority of it occurred in Ward 4 as illustrated on the "Council Wards" map. Title 2 of the Sparks Municipal Code requires that population between wards not differ by more than 5%. Currently, the difference exceeds the 5% threshold. Therefore, the ward boundaries must be redrawn. At its September 26, 2011 meeting, the Sparks City Council approved map 1C (as proposed by staff) with the modification to move a residential neighborhood into Ward 4 from Ward 3 providing all neighborhoods in the "Vistas" Home Owner's Association within one ward. Staff has analyzed this modification and identified that the population of Ward 4 goes to approximately 18,969 and the population of Ward 3 drops to 17,795 (a difference of just over 6%). Staff has attached the map reflecting what was approved on September 26 for reference; the map is titled "Proposed ward boundaries 1C-MOD."
Analysis: Dividing the 2010 Sparks population number of 91,057 by five (wards) provides a target population of 18,211 per ward. Relative to this target, Ward One is currently under populated by 10%, Ward two is under populated by 3%, Ward three is under populated by 16%, Ward four is over populated by approximately 26% and Ward five is over populated by approximately 3%. As staff has generated ward boundaries for consideration, staff ensures: -That the ward boundary includes the current council person's residence in that ward; -the ward boundaries are contiguous; and -wherever possible, the ward boundaries follow arterials/major streets. Proposed Ward Boundaries map 1F represents the war boundaries staff has developed based on considerations and the Council's input to date. Map 1C represents the map considered and adopted at the September 26, City Council meeting "without" the inclusion of to the neighborhood at the corner of Los Altos and Vista Heights Drive (it remains in Ward 3.) In order to comply with the 5% threshold, and include the respective neighborhood into Ward 4, staff had to make other changes to the ward boundaries: -the area south and west of East Greenbrae Dr, north of Prater Way has been moved from Ward 3 to Ward 5; and -the area at the southeast corner of Sparks Boulevard and Baring Boulevard has been moved from Ward 5 to Ward 3. These changes bring the population differences between Ward 4 (with the most population) and Ward 3 (with the least population) to within the 5% threshold.
Alternatives: The Council may choose between Proposed Ward Boundaries 1C and 1F. The Council may also propose modifications to either of these maps whereas staff will attempt to modify the maps for consideration at the following City Council meeting.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve "Proposed Ward Boundary map 1C and adopt Bill #2636, an ordinance redistricting the City Council ward boundaries based on the 2010 United States Census. Or I move to approve "Proposed Ward Boundary map 1F and adopt Bill #2636, an ordinance redistricting the City Council ward boundaries based on the 2010 United States Census.
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