Sparks City Council Meeting 10/26/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 26, 2015 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.4
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The purpose of the Group Health Committee is to discuss cost containment measures, plan design changes, and legal requirements for benefits and recommend to the City Council changes to the City's self-insured Group Health and Life insurance plan.
The City of Sparks Group Health Committee has reviewed the current benefit structure to determine if savings could be realized within the City of Sparks Group Health Plan without significantly impacting employees and retirees; and, would make changes necessary to prevent the City from facing any liability due to group health plan design.
The City of Sparks Group Health Committee was also asked to consider the addition of Gender Reassignment Surgery to the Group Health Plan to comply with upcoming federal changes that will be applied under Affordable Care Act.
The Group Health Committee is comprised of one (1) voting member from each of the following represented groups:
- Operating Engineers (OE3)
- Sparks Police Protective Association (SPPA)
- International Association of Firefighters (IAFF)
The Committee is also comprised of one (1) non-voting member from each of the following represented and non-represented groups to provide input to voting members:
- Operating Engineers Supervisory Unit
- Confidential
- Management Professional/Appointed
- Classified Chief Officers
- One retired employee
The voting member of each recognized bargaining unit shall have the authority to bind said bargaining unit to any modification in benefits recommended to the City Council subject to ratification of at least two (2) of the voting members (OE3, SPPA, IAFF).
Any modification in benefits agreed to by the City Council on recommendation of the voting members of the committee shall be binding upon each represented and non-represented group.
After review, discussion and vote at an open meeting of the Group Health Committee on August 19, 2015, it was determined that following changes will have a positive effect on the plan and help us to realize savings:
- Increase the coverage for urgent care visits
- Add coverage to include mouth guards
- Implement a Specialty Drug program
- Implement a "Dispensed as Written" penalty
- Implement the Preferred Provider allowable for dental services
After review, discussion and vote at an open meeting of the Group Health Committee on October 7, 2015, it was determined that following inclusion to the plan will prevent future liability:
- Add coverage for Gender Reassignment Surgery
Please see attached summaries.
1. The Council could modify the recommendations of the Group Health Committee;
2. Council could direct the Group Health Committee to not make modifications to the City of Sparks Group Health Plan Document.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the recommended changes to the City of Sparks Group Health Plan for the Plan year beginning January 1, 2016.
Attached Files: