Sparks City Council Meeting 10/12/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 12, 2015 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada
Consent Items: 8.5

Fund: General Fund Account: 603445 Program: Fire Equipment Replacement Program (100404) Amount: $1,448.54 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
With the purchase of the Powder Keg system, the Sparks Fire Department will be able to have a fully equipped vehicle to effectively mitigate most fuel related fires. The Powder Keg is designed to extinguish three dimensional fires. A three dimensional fire occurs when a flammable product is spilling from a pipe or container under pressure. The total amount of the grant is $8492.00, with SFD contributing funds of $1448.54. The Fire Department is seeking City Council approval to accept this award.
Within the City of Sparks lies the Kinder-Morgan fuel storage and distribution terminal. This terminal is the hub for import, export, and storage of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel for Northern Nevada. The product is delivered to the facility by pipeline from Rocklin, CA. The fuel is then distributed to the storage tanks via piping and valves. From the storage tanks, the fuel is then off loaded into tanker trucks for delivery to fueling stations around the area. The Fire Department currently has one Powder Keg system. This system is carried on the foam truck and is kept at fire station #3. This purchase will allow the Fire Department to have two Powder Keg systems for emergency response in the City.
This purchase will increase our ability fight gasoline/diesel fires.
The grant requires $1448.54 of fire department funds because of an increase in price since the first quote was received in early 2015. There are some reporting requirements that will be handled by the Fire Department.
- Council can reject the acceptance of the grant award.
- Council can approve acceptance of the grant award.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve a sub-grant agreement with Washoe County to accept of a Local Emergency Planning Committee Grant in the amount of $8492 for the purchase of a “Powder Keg,” a specialized dry chemical fire extinguishment system.
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