Sparks City Council Meeting - Amended 10/27/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 27, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St., Sparks
General Business: 9.5
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Zozac Land Development Company, LLC is the current owner of the property entitled by the Kiley Ranch North Village 38 Tentative Subdivision Map and has formally requested (see attached letter) a one year extension of the Tentative Subdivsion Map expiration date. NRS 278.350 allows for extension of time for acting on a tentative map through mutual consent of the subdivider and the governing body. Staff has reviewed the attached agreement to extend time and recommends approval.
On November 22, 2010, the Sparks City Council conditionally approved a request from CAV Investments, LLC for a Tentative Subdivision Map for Village 38 of the Kiley Ranch North New Urban District. Per the conditions of approval and NRS 278.630 the developer has four years from the date of Tentative Subdivision Map approval to submit a final map. Zozac Land Development Company, LLC (ZOZAC) is the current owner of the property entitled by the Village 38 Tentative Subdivision Map. On July 10, 2014 ZOZAC submitted an application for approval of a final map for Kiley Ranch North Village 38 Phase 1. Community Services Staff have reviewed and approved the final map application and is waiting delivery of final documentation including a Subdivision Improvements Bond prior to requesting approval from the City Council. ZOZAC is concerned that the tentative map will expire (November 22,2014) prior to securing the signatures on the final map as well as a Subdivision Improvement Bond and and has formally requested a one year extension of the Tentative Subdivsion Map expiration date.
NRS 278.350 allows for extension of time for acting on a tentative map through mutual consent of the subdivider and the governing body. Staff has reviewed the attached agreement to extend time and recommends approval.
1. The City Council could approve the agreement as outlined by staff.
2. The City Council could reject the agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
"I move to approve an Agreement between the City of Sparks and Zozac Land Company, LLC to extend the time to submit a Final Map."
Attached Files: