Sparks City Council Meeting 7/14/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 14, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.4
Title: Consideration and possible acceptance of Forensic Support Services Agreement between the Washoe County Sheriff's Office and the Sparks Police Department.
Petitioner/Presenter: Brian Allen, Chief of Police/Brian Allen, Chief of Police
Recommendation: Approve the Forensic Support Services Agreement between the Washoe County Sheriff's Office and the Sparks Police Department.
Financial Impact: $315,000 has been budgeted for FY15 with an actual cost of $319,500. The difference of $4,500 will have to be covered by underspending within the police department or contingency funds.
Total Costs: $319,500.00

Fund: General Fund Account: 603120 Program: Detectives - Property & Evidence (091563) Amount: $319,500.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: $315,000 has been budgeted for FY15 with an actual cost of $319,500. The difference of $4,500 will have to be covered by underspending within the police department or contingency funds. |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: The Sparks Police Department is requesting Council to approve renewing the Forensic Support Services Agreement with the Washoe County Sheriff's Office for Forensic Support Facilities and Services. This is a two year contract for the amount of $319,500 in FY15 and $354,500 in FY16.
Background: The Washoe County Sheriff's Office Forensic Science Division provides forensic services to local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. The Division is a full-service forensic laboratory staffed by more than 40 individuals in sworn and civillian capacities. The Division provides investigative support with a full service crime unit. The scientific disciplines consist of DNA, Toxicology, Controlled Substances, Firearms and limited trace evidence analysis. The Breath Alcohol Section provides support for the Breath Alcohol instruments across Northern Nevada.
The Sparks Police Department will contract with the Washoe County Sheriff's Office Forensic Science Division for evidence collection and laboratory analysis for an array of services. These services are many times required as "call outs" from the Sparks Police Detective Division on a 24/7 basis. "Call outs" where the Forensic Science Division is commonly requested by Sparks Police Detectives include: Homicides, Sexaul Assaults, Child Abuse or Child Death, Child Sexual Assault, Suspicious Deaths, Shootings, Stabbings, Officer Involved Shootings and Traffic Accidents with Significant Injury or Death. This is a two year contract for the amount of $319,500 in FY15 and $354,500 in FY16.
Alternatives: The City Council could deny approval of the Forensic Support Services Agreement.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the Forensic Support Services Agreement with the Washoe County Sheriff's Office.
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