Sparks City Council Meeting 9/12/2011 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, September 12, 2011 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

General Business: 6.4

Title: Consideration and possible approval of a professional data gathering services contract to Stantec Consulting, Inc, for professional data gathering services as related to Urban Forestry Revitalization, City of Sparks ARRA/UFWA/09/02 grant in the amount of $37,210.00 FOR POSSIBLE ACTION
Petitioner/Presenter: Tracy Domingues, Parks and Recreation Director/Rick Darby, Parks Development and Operations Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council award the professional data gathering services contract to Stantec Consulting, Inc, for professional data gathering services as related to Urban Forestry Revitalization, City of Sparks ARRA/UFWA/09/02 grant. RFP# 11/12-002 for the amount of $37,210.00
Financial Impact: $37,210.00
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible approval of a professional data gathering services contract to Stantec Consulting, Inc, for professional data gathering services as related to Urban Forestry Revitalization, City of Sparks ARRA/UFWA/09/02 grant. In the amount of $37,210.00

Background: This grant awarded December 29, 2009 propose, to purchase trees for the City’s Tree Farm, provide ISA training, contract for a tree inventory on the public trees, contract with ISA certified arborist for professional arborist services and contract with professional ISA certified arborist tree care company for professional tree care services. This tree inventory was advertized and on July 20, 2011 six candidates submitted RFP’s Stantec Consulting was chosen.

Analysis: The Scope of Work is to include the following: Mapping and assessment, data deliverables all field work necessary to complete a tree inventory of the City of Sparks.

Alternatives: 1. City Council could award the informal quote as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the informal quote and provide direction to the City Manager

Recommended Motion: I move to award the professional data gathering services contract to Stantec Consulting, Inc for professional data gathering services as related to Urban Forestry Revitalization, City of Sparks ARRA/UFWA/09/02 grant in the amount of $37,210.00

Attached Files:
     Tree Assessment Phase 2 - COMPLETE RFP.pdf
     RFP Response - Stantec.pdf
     Stantec Contract.pdf
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