Sparks City Council Meeting 9/12/2011 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, September 12, 2011 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

Consent Items: 5.2

Title: Consideration and possible approval of the purchase of IT Server equipment from Summit Partners in the amount of 73,334.79 as recommended by the Information Technology Steering Committee - FOR POSSIBLE ACTION.
Petitioner/Presenter: Steve Davidek/Jeff Cronk
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the purchase of the computer equipment needed for the IT Server Equipment Upgrade from Summit Partners for $73,334.79
Financial Impact: Funds are available and budgeted for IT Technology Infrastructure Refresh
Total Costs: $73,334.79
Fund: Office Service & Supply (Fund abolished 6/28/2021)    Account: 604070
Program: Tech Refresh in Office Srvc & Supply Fund (080711)
Amount: $73,334.79    Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan)
Budget Correction Plan:
as budgeted
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Approve the purchase of IT server equipment as recommended by the IT Steering Committee on August 17, 2011 from Summit Partners in the amount of 73,334.79. This will include servers and storage that will allow redundancy in the Police Dept. Server Room.

Background: Sparks Information Technology started building the infrastructure that would accommodate this project 6 years ago by building a Storage Area Network for backups that has now expanded to include data storage for all city systems and information. We also started virtualizing our servers in 2007 and plan to start virtualizing desktops city-wide as budget becomes available. IT is recommending that we build a copy of the server and storage infrastructure in the Police Dept. Server room to allow business continuity in the event of an issue with servers and storage in either the City Hall or PD Server rooms. This project will also upgrade the servers in the PD Server room to current technology. Competitive bids for computer equipment and software is not required by NRS.

Analysis: Continuity of Operations is a major statewide project that the city is involved with. The project will allow IT to run city programs from either City server room as they are prioritized in the Continuity of Operations plan. The blade chassis, blades and storage are duplicates of what was purchased in the Fiscal Year 2011 budget as approved by the IT Steering Committee this past February and approved by Council on February 28, 2011.

Alternatives: Options include not ratifying this award for IT Technology refresh expense and the authorization of the purchase order and then directing staff further in this regard.

Recommended Motion: “I move to approve the purchase of computer equipment and software from Summit Partners in the amount of $73,334.79.”

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