Sparks City Council Meeting 5/27/2014 2:00:00 PM

    Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:00 PM
    Sparks City Hall, Legislative Bldg, Council Chambers, 745 4th St., Sparks

General Business: 6.2

Title: Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of $656,009.44 for Sparks’ share of a bid award to Geney/Gassiot, Inc. by the City of Reno for construction of the new Septage Receiving Facility at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF).
Petitioner/Presenter: Neil C. Krutz, P.E. – Deputy City Manager/Kim Laber – TMWRF Maintenance Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve Sparks’ share of the contract between the City of Reno and Geney/Gassiot, Inc. for a contract to construct a new septage receiving facility at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility.
Financial Impact: There is no impact to the General Fund. $1,681,433.65 of appropriations remain in the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the City of Sparks under TMWRF Projects, CIP 146600, Fund 1631, Sanitary Sewer Capital Project Fund. The City of Reno will enter into an agreement with Geney/Gassiot Inc. in a not to exceed amount of $2,091,200.00, which includes a $275,000.00 force account, and will administer the project. Reimbursement will be sought from the City of Sparks for its share of expenses through the current cost sharing agreement for TMWRF capital projects, based on the ownership of TMWRF with the City of Reno being 68.63% and Sparks being 31.37%, as illustrated in the attached Table 1. Expenses will post to account 604090, TMWRF Construction, using CIP 12-6608, TMWRF Septage Receiving Improvement Project. This project is included in the TMWRF FY 2013-2014 Capital Improvement Plan that was approved by the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) on March 6, 2013.
Total Costs: $656,009.44
Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund    Account: 604090
Program: TMWRF Septage Receiving Improvements Project (12-6608)
Amount: $656,009.44    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: TMWRF staff is asking the City Council to approve reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of up to $656,009.44 for its share of a not to exceed $2,091,200.00, including a $275,000.00 force account, contract administered by the City of Reno with Geney/Gassiot Inc. to construct a new septage receiving facility at TMWRF.

Background: The Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) serves as the primary facility to receive and treat septage within the region. The current facility, constructed in 1983, has exceeded its anticipated service life and has deteriorated to the point that it is no longer capable of accepting septage. Due to the condition of the current facility, a temporary septage discharge station with limited treatment is now being used to discharge septage to headworks. In addition, the current septage facility has been reconfigured to offload and handle the by-products of Hidden Valley Ranch.


A new septage facility is required to property pretreat septage before it enters the treatment process to both protect downstream equipment and to meet State and Federal environmental requirements. This project is included in the adopted 5-year Capital Improvement Plan for TMWRF. The new Septage Receiving facility will be located within the property lines of TMWRF just south of the existing treatment facility as shown in attachment 3. Access to the new septage facility will be on an access road located just south of the main TMWRF entrance which will increase the safety of plant personnel by reducing truck traffic within TMWRF. The new septage pretreatment will be housed in a building designed to treat odors which are generated during the offloading process. The new facility is also designed to receive offloading from vactor trucks which are operated by both Reno and Sparks Public Works Maintenance crews as well as private contractors.

The City of Reno will administer the contract and will be reimbursed for a portion of the costs by the City of Sparks through the Sparks – Reno cost sharing agreement for TMWRF. The City of Reno and the City of Sparks share the cost for this project based upon their ownership of TMWRF, which is 68.63% for Reno and 31.37% for Sparks. Based on the ownership percentages, Reno’s share is up to $1,435,190.56 and Sparks share is up to $656,009.44.

1. Cost Sharing between Reno and Sparks – see attachment 1

2. Septage Bid Summary – see attachment 2

3. Site plan – see attachment 3

4. City of Reno Agreement with Geney-Gassoit Construction – Attachment 4

Alternatives: Council could direct the manager to have staff provide other alternatives.

Recommended Motion: I move to approve that Council award the approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks’ share of the construction of a new septage receiving facility in the amount of $656,009.44.

Attached Files:
     Attachment 1-Table 1.pdf
     Attachment 2 Septage recieving bid summary.pdf
     Attachment 3 Septage site map.pdf
     Attachment 4 - Contract.pdf
     Reno Staff Report for May 14 - Award of CM Contract to Geney Gassiot.pdf
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