Sparks City Council Meeting 1/13/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 13, 2014 2:00 PMCity Council Ch;ambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.3
Title: Consideration and possible award of the Victorian Square Garage Elevator Upgrades to Koch Elevator Company, in the amount of $142,370.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Christopher S. Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council award the Victorian Square Garage Elevator Upgrades to Koch Elevator Company, in the amount of $142,370.
Financial Impact: $200,000 was approved in Fund 1404 for Project 14-1002 Annual City Wide Elevator Retrofit and Upgrades in the FY14 CIP and $200,000 of budget authority is currently available.
Total Costs: $142,370.00

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 604070 Program: 1404 Annual City Wide Elevator Retrofit & Upgrades (14-1002) Amount: $142,370.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: $200,000 was approved in Fund 1404 for Project 14-1002 Annual City Wide Elevator Retrofit and Upgrades in the FY14 CIP and $200,000 of budget authority is currently available. |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible award of the Victorian Square Garage Elevator Upgrades to Koch Elevator Company, in the amount of $142,370. This project will include the upgrade of the two passenger elevators at the Victorian Square Garage with new motion controllers, power units, fixtures, door operators, and starters.
Background: The existing elevator controllers, power units, door operators, and starters are unreliable creating costly maintenance repairs and downtime. Additionally parts for this system are no longer being manufactured and must be cannibalized from existing elevators being refurbished throughout U.S.
Analysis: Based on review of the existing elevator system with Community Services Maintenance staff and the current requirements of the State of Nevada for permitted elevators, a full removal and replacement of the existing motion controllers, power units, door operators, and solid state starters is required. At the same time, new lighting fixtures for the cars will be installed that are more efficient and designed to be vandal proof. The project was advertised on November 13, 2013, and two addenda were issued. Bids were opened and publicly read on December 4, 2013 at 2:00 P.M. A recap of the quotes received is attached for the Council’s review.
Alternatives: 1. City Council could award the Victorian Square Garage Elevator Upgrades as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the Victorian Square Garage Elevator Upgrades and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: “I move to award the Victorian Square Garage Elevator Upgrades to Koch Elevator Company, in the amount of $142,370.”
Attached Files: