Sparks City Council Meeting 1/13/2014 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, January 13, 2014 2:00 PM
    City Council Ch;ambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV

General Business: 6.1

Title: Consideration and possible acceptance of overtime reimbursement funds from the United States Marshal's Service in the amount of $17,200.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: Police Chief, Brian Allen/Police Chief, Brian Allen
Recommendation: It is recommended the City Council accept the $17,200.00 distributed by the U.S. Marshal's Office for reimbursement of Sparks' Police overtime costs.
Financial Impact: There is no adverse financial impact to the City
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

The United States Marshal's Office wishes to contribute $17,200.00 to the City of Sparks for overtime reimbursement funds. This includes overtime incurred by Sparks Police working investigations related to the Joint Fugitive Task Force we participate in.


The Sparks Police Department participates in a regional fugitive task force operated by the United States Marshal's Office. We currently help staff the team with one detective who works approximately 40 hours a week with them. This team is comprised of detectives from the U.S. Marshal's Office, Washoe County Sheriff's Office and Nevada Parole and Probation. This team conducts fugutive investigations for participating agencies and others by request.

Participation in the task force allows the Sparks Police Department greater capabilities to track and capture fugitives who have fled our jurisdiction or attempt to hide locally. Our participation allows us to apply the resources of a federal entity. This team also assists with Sex Offender Sweeps, tracking Sex Offenders' state to state movement and with larger drug investigations. This team provides substantial assistance with surveillance which can go on for hours or days. This frees up our case detectives to work other aspects of the investigation while surveillance is being conducted.

There are numerous occassions where overtime is needed to complete these objectives. The United States Marshal's Office provides overtime reimbursement funds to offset the costs of our participation in these investigations. We have determined that $17,200.00 per year addresses the majority of these costs. This money is for overtime incurred over the course of one year. The money is distributed in accordance with the U.S. Marshal's Office fiscal year which is October to October.


The HIDTA initiative allows for reimbursement of overtime to member(s) of the Sparks Police Department for their involvement in the Joint Fugitive Task Force, through the U.S. Marshal's Office.

Alternatives: The City Council can deny acceptance of the overtime reimbursement funds from the U.S. Marshal's Office.

Recommended Motion: I move to accept the $17,200.00 distributed by the U.S. Marshal's Office for reimbursement of Sparks' Police overtime costs.

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