Sparks City Council Meeting 6/24/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 24, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.8
Title: Consideration and possible approval of a contract in the amount of $577,000.00 to Applied Mechanical, Inc. for replacement of HVAC equipment at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF).
Petitioner/Presenter: Neil C. Krutz, P.E. – Deputy City Manager/Michael Drinkwater – TMWRF Plant Manager/Kim Laber - TMWRF Maintenance Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve the contract between the City of Sparks and Applied Mechanical, Inc. for a contract to replace the Administration building and Headworks HVAC equipment at TMWRF.
Financial Impact: There is no impact to the General Fund. Contract cost associated with Project T1.7 is up to $577,000.00, including a $40,000.00 force account. A request to re-allocate remaining appropriations from this fiscal year’s operating budget has been submitted for this needed capital replacement. Additionally the project has been included in estimated actual figures for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2013. Expenses will be charged to TMWRF, Fund 5605, Account 604050, Buildings, under Program 131500, TMWRF Administration. Following quarterly reconciliation of TMWRF’s operating expenses between the Cities of Sparks and Reno, affecting the Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund (1630), Sparks expects a reimbursement from the City of Reno based on the current ownership of TMWRF as outlined in the table below and supported in the inter-local agreement for the operations of the facility. (See Attachment 1).
Total Costs: $577,000.00

Fund: Joint Treatment Plant Account: 604050 Program: TMWRF Administration (131500) Amount: $577,000.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: Contract cost associated with Project T1.7 is up to $577,000.00, including a $40,000.00 force account. A request to re-allocate remaining appropriations from this fiscal year’s operating budget has been submitted for this needed capital replacement. Additionally the project has been included in estimated actual figures for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2013. |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: City staff is asking the City Council to approve a contract with Applied Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $577,000.00 to replace HVAC equipment in the Administration and Headworks buildings located at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility.
Background: Major portions of TMWRF were constructed in 1964 and are in critical need of reconstruction. The HVAC equipment covered by this contract has been identified as needing replacement due to its age and condition. The HVAC equipment located in the Administration building is over 40 years old and no longer serviceable. The HVAC at Headworks has been replaced and repaired several times after having been subjected to hydrogen sulfide vapors. As part of this contract this equipment will be relocated and replaced to correct this deficiency. The HVAC units at Headworks are critical to maintaining the temperature in the electronic drive-room which controls and operates the main incoming TMWRF Raw Sewage Pumps. Failure of this equipment would have potential impacts on the health and safety of the community.
Analysis: This contract will address some of the aging HVAC infrastructure issues at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility. Continued repairs to the existing Administration building HVAC equipment are no longer economically feasible. The equipment has performed beyond its designed useful life and needs to be replaced. The relocation and replacement of the Headworks HVAC will restore reliability and redundancy to the HVAC that is needed to control the temperature in the raw sewage pump drive room. This will be a permanent/ corrective action and plan to address the hydrogen sulfide vapors which attack and disable the current HVAC units located at Headworks. Two responsive bids were received for this project: 1) Applied Mechanical, Inc. @ $ 577,000.00 2) Quality Control Systems @ $602,585.00
Alternatives: Council could direct staff to provide other alternatives.
Recommended Motion: I move that City Council award the contract to Applied Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $577,000.00.
Attached Files: