Sparks City Council Meeting 6/24/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 24, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.9
Title: Consideration and possible approval to award Carollo Engineers a contract in the amount of $295,900.00 to supply an Electronic Operations and Maintenance Manual (EOMM) per RFP #12/13-012 for the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF).
Petitioner/Presenter: Neil C. Krutz, P.E. – Deputy City Manager/Michael Drinkwater– Plant Manager/ Todd Saxberg– Operations Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve a contract with Carollo Engineers to supply an Electronic Operations and Maintenance manual.
Financial Impact: N/A
Total Costs: $295,900.00

Fund: Joint Treatment Plant Account: 604020 Program: TMWRF Operations (131505) Amount: $295,900.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: Funding to build and populate this server based Electronic Operations and Maintenance Manual will come from appropriations in Fund 5605. |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: City staff is asking the City Council to approve a contract with Carollo Engineers to supply an Electronic Operations and Maintenance Manual to the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility. This manual will provide an all-encompassing compilation of operating procedures, plant drawings, operational and maintenance data, and institutional knowledge all accessible from a desktop or portable device. This format will be updatable, and will tie together all the widely disseminated data that the TMWRF facility has generated in 50 years of operation and make it accessible for maintenance, operations and training activities. Plant staff will all be operating from a consistent and informed approach that is required to comply with regulatory, permit, and industry standards.
Background: State regulatory requirements necessitate the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) facility be operated from a comprehensive and up-to- date Operations and Maintenance manual. The TMWRF facility has been in operation since 1964 and in that time has undergone five major expansions (1978, 1985, 2001-2002, 2007). Each of these expansions has brought on line new processes, new equipment and the associated tech manuals, drawings, operating procedures and reams of ancillary support data. As a result TMWRF now has 50 years of capital and rehabilitation project records, operational procedures, maintenance manuals, record drawings and detail drawings. This data is stored in hallways and scattered storage rooms, banker’s boxes, file cabinets, and various file cabinets, all devoid of any real mode of indexing, organization or preservation. There are 2500+ pieces of equipment at TMWRF from over 200 individual vendors. Operational procedures for equipment and processes number in the hundreds, as do maintenance manuals and technical data for over 2500+ individual pieces of equipment. There are 10-12,000 individual record drawings supported by 30-40,000 detail drawings contained in contractor submittals. Facility staff needs this information at their fingertips, needs to be able to turn to the manuals, find the descriptions of systems and design specifications, and have centralized reference documents. Since the last professional engineering contractor (Kennedy-Jenks) provided an O&M manual in 1985 staff has operated with insufficient and incomplete data on the facility. TMWRF does not have the engineering staff or a training group that a larger facility would employ to generate, update and keep relevant an Operations and Maintenance manual. Furthermore, the development of this manual now will guard against the “brain drain” associated with the retirement of most of our senior staff in the next seven years. Area Process Expectations (APE’s) will be written for each process at the facility and will guide staff in proper Operations and Maintenance actions rather than relying on ”tribal knowledge” or memory. A regional wastewater facility of our size and complexity must take positive control of our historical information and operate each day from a fundamentally constant methodology.
Analysis: A Request For Proposal (RFP) was generated for this EOMM project in FY 12/13. RFP Documents were distributed to seven firms that responded to an open city advertisement for this project. Proposals were received from 3 firms; Kennedy- Jenks Consultants, Carollo Engineers, and CDM Smith. CDM Smith dropped out just prior to the evaluation process. The remaining two firms, Carollo Engineers and Kennedy-Jenks, presented their products and a team of plant stakeholders came up with the following evaluation: After interviewing with both Kennedy/Jenks Consultants and Carollo, the team unanimously agreed that Carollo’s proposed approach and end-product for the EOMM best meets the needs and desires of our Facility. We identified the following list of advantages to the Carollo approach: • Comprehensive understanding/familiarity of our facility and current conditions of the plant o Saves TMWRF time and money o TMWRF staff are comfortable working with Carollo staff • Off the shelf technology o Carollo is proposing to use SharePoint to build our EOMM o Potentially saves TMWRF from long-term contracting/customer support issues o TMWRF’s IT staff is capable and will be available to assist with, work on, or further develop the SharePoint model. • Professionalism o Carollo’s team seemed more polished and experienced in creating applicable EOMMs, addressing TMWRF’s specific and immediate needs, and overall depth and breadth of experience. • Ease of Use o The SharePoint system seamed easiest to use, maintain and manipulate. o The SharePoint system will be supported in perpetuity by Microsoft There were several strong points to the Kennedy/Jenks proposal and end-product, but overall they lacked familiarity with the facility which would ultimately lead to greater time and expense to come up to speed and collect information. Kennedy/Jenks was proposing to use proprietary software in which they developed in-house but the lead developer is currently working as a sub-contractor to their team. Proprietary software if abandoned as a core business by the firm employed would terminate the ability to revise, update or maintain a product based upon its framework. They also relied heavily on outside operational expertise for some sections of the manual content and development. The TMWRF team felt that the Kennedy/Jenks group was not as cohesive as that of Carollo’s and, therefore, could not ensure they would remain a solid and reliable team to serve the facility into the future. Scoring and pricing were as follows: RFP Recap/Pricing Carollo: 628/700 points ($295,900.00) Kennedy/Jenks: 554/700 points ($280,187.00) The Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility is a vital asset for the cities of Reno and Sparks that must be operated in compliance with all regulatory requirements. TMWRF staff understands the need and importance of having an up-to-date, accurate and user-friendly Operations and Maintenance manual that provides the basis for operating the facility. The benefit to the ratepayer and the city will be improved training of staff, preservation and accessibility of knowledge, and more efficient operations without the need for engineering and training staff associated with large regional facilities such as TMWRF.
Alternatives: Council could direct staff to award RFP # 12/13-012 to Kennedy-Jenks Consultants or seek other alternatives.
Recommended Motion: I move that City Council to award RFP # 12/13-012 for the EOMM and approve a contract with Carollo Engineers in the amount of $295,900.00 with the City of Sparks share being $92,823.83.
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