Sparks City Council Meeting 1/28/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 28, 2013 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.7
Title: Review, discussion and possible approval of a Sparks business visitation program
Petitioner/Presenter: Community Services Department/Armando Ornelas, City Planner
Recommendation: Direct staff to refine and initiate the proposed business visitation program
Financial Impact: N/A
Total Costs: $3,000.00

Fund: General Fund Account: 603212 Program: Economic Development (130215) Amount: $3,000.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: This agenda item outlines a proposed new program to have Sparks’ Mayor, City Council and staff visit companies doing business in Sparks. The proposal is in response to the interest the City Council showed in conducting company visits during their November 2012 workshop discussion on economic development. The visits are intended to encourage the retention and expansion of companies doing business in Sparks by demonstrating the City’s appreciation for these companies presence in Sparks, discussing their concerns and identifying issues on which the City (or other entities) could provide resolution or assistance.
Background: This agenda item outlines a proposed new program to have Sparks’ Mayor, City Council and staff visit companies currently doing business in Sparks. The proposal is in response to the interest the City Council showed in conducting company visits during their November 2012 workshop discussion on economic development.
Analysis: The purpose of the proposed business visitation program is to encourage the retention and expansion of companies doing business in Sparks by demonstrating the City’s appreciation for these companies presence in Sparks, discussing their concerns and identifying issues which the City (or other entities) could provide resolution or assistance. The proposed program is modeled in part on, and intended to complement, EDAWN’s business retention program, which focuses on “primary” businesses (i.e., most of the business’s revenues are generated are outside the region). The basic steps for undertaking the proposed Sparks business visitation program are to: 1. Identify the largest 75 businesses located in Sparks. Selection may be based on gross receipts (list will favor businesses like fuel tank facility, large retailers, etc.) and/or employment. a. Cross reference with NAICS to group into industry groups/clusters. b. Use GIS to create maps and identify geographic patterns (e.g., clusters) 2. Visits to be made by an elected official (Mayor and Council member) and at least one staff person (City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Assistant Community Services Director, City Planner). a. City Manager will designate a staff person to coordinate and schedule visits. b. Visits will be based on business’s scheduling preference; City will strive to maintain a rotation but if, for example, the elected official who is “next” is unavailable then the next available elected official would participate. 3. In 2013, visits to begin in March and conclude by the end of November. 4. If 75 visits is target number for 2013, Mayor and each Council member to participate in: a. Approximately 11-13 visits in the year. b. Approximately 1-3 visits per month. 5. Develop and approve a typical agenda or format for visits, including discussion questions. EDAWN has shared the outline they use for their company visits and recommends that, at minimum, the business be asked what they do, how many employees they have, issues or roadblocks they are experiencing, about any moving or expansion plans, what connections (linkages) they have to other companies in the area, about their use of interns and what the City can do to support the business. 6. City business visit coordinator will create and maintain database for post-visit input and will send out follow-up appreciation letters. 7. City will develop a process or mechanisms for assuring follow-up and addressing issues and requests identified during visits. Needs to include mechanisms for referring questions or issues to other entities (e.g., County, State, EDAWN). 8. Year 2 (2014) a. Next 75 businesses? b. Follow-up visits? and/or c. Firms in target industry sector(s) or cluster(s)?
Alternatives: The City Council can modify, postpone or reject the proposed business visitation program.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the Sparks business visitation program as outlined by staff.