Sparks City Council Workshop 9/18/2012
    Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:30 AM
    City Hall, Lower Level, 431 Prater Way, Sparks, NV

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

  • Comments from the Public

3. Approval of the Agenda (The following workshop reports and reference documents will be included in the workshop packet: Annual Report, Cascading 5's, Environmental Scan, Strategic Plan, Redevelopment Real Property Assets in Redevelopment Area 1 and Sustainable Sparks Update) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

4. Workshop Objective, Process and Methodology (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) •Discuss outcomes and expectations for the workshop •Review decisions we need to make

5. Presentation, discussion and possible action on the Cascading Fives, Environmental Scan, and Regional Trends (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) •Discussion and identification of regional trends, emerging issues both internal and external •Identification of the City’s involvement in specific regional issues

6. Presentation, discussion and possible action on the Strategic Goals and Citywide Objectives (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) •Presentation of the draft plan including a review of the strategic goals, proposed FY 12/13 Objectives and Performance Measures •Discussion and feedback on the draft objectives and performance measure trending including but not limited to adding, deleting or revising proposed FY 12/13 objectives •Review and refine results of feedback


  • 7.1 Comments from the Public
  • 7.2 Comments from the Council and City Manager

8. *Adjournment