Sparks City Council Meeting 7/23/2012 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, July 23, 2012 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV

General Business: 6.2

Title: Request for consideration and possible approval to authorize the Fire Department to pursue a Fire Prevention & Safety Grant through the Federal 2011 Fire Act Grant Process.
Petitioner/Presenter: Robert King, Fire Marshal/Robert King, Fire Marshal
Recommendation: Authorize the Sparks Fire Department to pursue a Fire Prevention & Safety Grant through the 2011 Fire Act process.
Financial Impact: None
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Request for consideration and possible approval to authorize the Fire Department to pursue a Fire Prevention & Safety Grant through the Federal 2011 Fire Act Grant process.

Background: The Federal Department of Homeland Security has once again made Congressional funds available for the nation's fire departments to apply for grants. The Fire Prevention & Safety Grant (FP & S) process is a highly competitive, merit-based program that requires no match for municipalities. Sparks Fire Department is requesting funds to expand the existing Project SAFE Residential Smoke Alarm and Home-Safety Education Program.

Analysis: Through this FP & S Grant application, SFD requests funds to provide 1,000 smoke alarms and 250 Carbon Monoxide detectors to be installed in approximately 250 of our city's oldest homes. Within the targeted residences, installation teams will also place long-life (10-year) batteries into existing, working smoke alarms. Devices for the hearing impaired will be made available within funding parameters. This Grant application will also request funds to provide a public fire safety educational wrap for the existing Fire Safety Trailer. While visiting the homes, installation/education teams will provide each household with a home-safety checklist and fire-safety material. The end result of this Grant award will help Sparks Fire Department protect the citizens of Sparks through (1) Proven educational programs that bring about behavioral and attitudinal change, and (2) To prevent deaths and injuries resulting from fire.

Alternatives: The City Council could decide not to authorize the Sparks Fire Department to pursue a fire prevention grant. Without the FP & S Grant funds, the Sparks Fire Department will not be able to provide these life-safety benefits to our citizens through the Project SAFE progam.

Recommended Motion: Authorize the Sparks Fire Department to pursue a Fire Prevention & Safety Grant through the 2011 Fire Act Grant process.

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