Sparks City Council Meeting 2/22/2021 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 912 0873 6348
General Business: 9.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Sparks Police Department seeks approval of its purchase of the VirTra Training Simulator. The VirTra, a judgmental use of force and decisionmaking training simulator is designed to create an intense, immersive training environment. The cost of the simulator is $84,091.15. Sparks Police Department has received an Office of Criminal Justice Assistance Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $69,000 to partially fund the purchase, meaning the City's cost will be $15,091.15.
On April 27, 2020, the City Council directed Sparks Police Department to complete and submit an application for the 2020 Office of Criminal Justice Assistance (OCJA) Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in order to fund the purchase of the VirTra Training Simulator. The Sparks Police Department was awarded a 2020 OCJA JAG in the amount of $69,000. On January 11, 2021, the City Council authorized the Sparks Police Department to accept the 2020 OCJA JAG award in the amount of $69,000 to partially fund the purchase of the Virtra Training Simulator.
The VirTra Training Simulator is the only simulator currently on the market that meets the needs of the Sparks Police Department. The VirTra Training Simulator satisfactorily addresses a number of training requirements delineated by Nevada law.The VirTra Training Simulator is recognized by the National Peace Officer Standards and Training Directors organization as specifically addressing fair and impartial Policing, implicit bias in policing, deescalation and deconfliction, as well as other categories through stress-induced, scenario-based, realistic training models.
The VirTra Training Simulator will cost $84,091.15. The OCJA JAG grant of $69,000 will partially fund the purchase, and the City's cost will be $15,091.15.
1. Council may approve purchasing the VirTra Training Simulator.
2. Council may deny purchasing the VirTra Training Simulator and give further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the purchase of the VirTra Training Simulator in the amount of $84,091.15.
Attached Files: