Sparks City Council Meeting 11/23/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 993 7786 7181
Consent Items: 8.2

Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund Account: 604090 Program: TMWRF Reallocaton - Effluent Reuse Pump Station Rehab COR#I100110 (20-6588) Amount: $199,649.35 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Staff is asking City Council to approve the reimbursement to the City of Reno for the City of Sparks’s share of a consulting engineering agreement for the design of improvements for the TMWRF effluent pump station. The pump station is approximately 20 years old and does not meet the current electrical code. The proposed improvements will upgrade the electrical components and provide surge protection for the pump station, with other related improvements. This work is in the approved TMWRF 2020 CIP.
The beneficial reuse of treated effluent at TMWRF is an effective method to reduce effluent discharge to the Truckee River and thus help maintain compliance with the discharge limitations. Water that can be used for irrigation displaces the need to use potable water for that purpose as well as diverting nutrients away from the river. The existing effluent pump station does not meet current electrical codes and has no hydraulic surge protection should a power outage occur. Additionally, the pump station equipment is not readily accessible for maintenance and TMWRF staff is required to hire outside contractors to perform any routine maintenance on the pump station equipment.
Continued use of the pump station without improvements may result in pump and motor failure, continued safety hazards, and will necessitate more frequent and costly repairs.
The proposed project design scope will produce plans and specifications necessary to construct the needed improvements to the pump station. The scope of work tasks, as detailed in the attached agreement, include development of construction plans, specifications and bid documents, cost estimates, and bidding support services.
Jacobs is a qualified consulting engineering firm capable of performing the proposed work. The total cost of the project design is $636,434.00. The City of Reno engineering staff will manage the project with Sparks reimbursing Reno pro rata based on TMWRF ownership. Based on the current ownership ratio of 31.37% owned by Sparks and 68.63% owned by Reno, the City of Sparks's share of this agreement is $199,649.35.
- The City Council may approve the reimbursement as presented by staff.
- The City Council may reject the reimbursement and direct the City Manager to have staff investigate alternatives.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the reimbursement (AC-5715) to the City of Reno for the City of Sparks’s share of a Consulting Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. for the Effluent Reuse Pump Station Rehabilitation Project at TMWRF, in the amount of $636,434.00 with Sparks's share being $199,649.35.
Attached Files: